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Five days have passed, 120 hours, 7200 minutes, 432 000 seconds. To the outside, that was time, the passing of days. To the ones who opposed the Parabellum, it was the life ticking away to the unknown time of their demise.

The journey for those who had to travel was one of self-thought and reflection. The outside schools knew this day would come, and little by little, they saw how their tanks reflected them not just in the rain.

The same could not be said for the Tankery schools of Japan. When an opponent was down, a white flag would be shown. The surrender of your school, yet now it was their life. The bellow of fire coming from the tank would dictate it, and if you survived, you would likely get gunned down by enemy rifles or machine guns.

Their tanks made for sport were no longer serving such a purpose. It now held there life within its metal hall, fired its main gun to stand a chance, drove to outrun the clock or drive right to it. The prize before was glory and funding, now it was survival.

Anzio highschool, Chi-Ha-Tan Academy, Jatkosta, Saunders University Highschool, and lastly BC freedom Academy, had arrived. Along with Boys Maple Leaf Academy, and the French Girls academy.

Upon meeting each other, Conquerer told them all about the Parabellum, and what it meant for everybody in more detail then when on the radio. It all seemed well as little conversations became big ones until the arguments began. Nemesis got into a heated argument with Anchovy (the leader of Anzio Highschool), over how shamefully loosing is. Nemesis said it was terrible, Anchovy thought differently as long as you learned. It then went to an insult off, two hot-headed girls going at it, and it went like this.

"Really surprising that you think it's shameful to lose since you french! It is your countries only strength!"

Nemesis then scolded back with "Your name is a pizza topping! People only throw it on so it looks good, and don't give a shit about it later! At least mine has some meaning to it"

Anchovy pulled back her sleeves, ready to battle out. Nemesis didn't pull back her sleeves, she wasn't afraid to get blood on her fancy uniform.

"Your standards are taller than you! Long-legged bastard!" Anchovy spouted as she walked forward, ready to give nemesis a pouncing, or the other way around.

"You boudin!"

Anchovy had no idea of what that french word that Nemesis threw back in response but it sounded like an insult nevertheless.

The only people near them were the Candian leaders, who were having a great time learning about Saunders, Ooarai, and Anzio. As not everybody was in the same room.

Anchovy ran forward, and her height of five foot four inches tall made it easy to duck from Nemesis punch in witch she swung vigorously. Anchovy with her small fist, pile drived it into her right breast. It stung and went straight to her head. She fell down with a thump, and everyone just watched. They were too afraid to stop her, she was the strongest in the room, the tallest, and the heaviest.

Matteo Tremblay and Vincent Gagnon looked to each other and came to the conclusion that they must stop this before they injure each other. However, their decision was too late. Nemesis had grabbed Anchovy by the collar. The force in which she threw her over the table and onto the desk beside it, had ripped off her tie and tore off four buttons.

"Canadians! commence body shield protocol" All of the Canadians in the room dropped what they were doing, even if they were making out. In rows of three and locking shoulders. Matteo and Vincent joined in it also, when this was formed, they were all of equal value.

Nemesis was ready to fight her way through. Kay tugged at her trench coat, and said: "No, don't do this to us". Nemesis calmed down and left the room.

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