15 April 1853

14 3 0

It has only been 3 days since I last wrote and I feel like a prisoner. Teala and I have to keep ourselves busy playing Tic Tac Toe and cleaning the untidy bunker. Father lays on his bed most of the day, he only ever gets up to prepare dinner, tasteless beans and sauce. Father gives us our dinner and lays back in bed gloomily looking up at the dusty ceiling. We knew how  upset he was about Mother, he loved her even though she was a vampire. That made me wonder, do we drink blood? I asked father, and he told me only mature vampires can drink blood. The mature age of a vampire is 18.

Teala and I have cleaned and dusted most of the kitchen side of the bunker. Next we move onto the "bedrooms". Teala and I share a dusty, uncomfortable bunk bed and Father sleeps in shabby single bed beside ours. 

I really miss waking up on my comfy pillow to see the golden sun rise and the silver moon slowly vanish. I would walk through to the kitchen where mother would cook up some breakfast while father read the newspaper. Mother would serve the best bacon and eggs, while she sat quenching on a small pouch filled with red liquid. She told us it was juice, but now I know that it wasn't juice, It was most likely pigs blood. I miss mother, I miss how she tucked me in at night and her soft lips kissing me on the forehead. I wonder, what if we were normal? We'd still be together, but alas that is not how my story has chosen to go.

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