Chapter 2: Getting started

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Y/n was looking outside at the beautiful view from the bullhead. He wasn't used to seeing such amazing sights, being mesmerized. He had decided to take Ozpin's advice to show his Faunus traits. He had his hood off, and had cut a hole in his pants for his tail to stick out.

Y/n: "Whoahoho....Damn. Maybe I should've been a bird instead...would've gotten a much better view than a fox."

His awe is brought down a bit, by a blonde-haired boy puking in the trash can next to him.

Y/n: And there goes the mood...

He sighs, and pats the other guy's back, before walking away. He bumps into an absolute giant, who looks down at him, and speaks in a gruff voice.

Tav: "Oy, watch where yer goin', laddie! The name's Tav. Here to kick some Grimm arse. Nice to meet ya, lad. What's yer name?"

Y/n had to look up to see his face. He was a dark-skinned dude with long black hair, green eyes, and a face that could probably scare the Grimm away without any weapons. He gulped a bit.

Y/n: "Uhh....Y/n....L/n."

Tav: "Good name, lad. Don't worry your pint-sized body, I ain't gonna hurt ya just for some fancy ears!"

Y/n nods awkwardly, as he slowly backs away.

Y/n: Well then....didn't expect to meet a living, breathing hunk of muscle. The dude could probably snap my neck by just waving his hair around!

Before he could think about anything else, a familiarly squeaky voice rings out.

Ruby: "Y/nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!"

She stops on a dime, right in front of him, looking at him adoringly.

Ruby: "So, you got in? Wow, you're a Faunus? Ooh, can I touch your ears? Or your tail? What's your weapon like? Am I asking too many questions?"

Y/n: "Yes, yes, no, no, it's really awesome, no."

??: "Wow, you understood all that? I mean, I could because I've known her since we were born, but you haven't. Wow."

Y/n turns around to see a tall blond girl with lilac eyes, smiling at him.

Y/n: "Ah, nice to meet you. I'm-"

Ruby: "This is Y/n! Y/n, meet my older sister, Yang!"

Y/n: "Wait, older? What the hell happened with you and Ozpin-that sounds wrong..."

Ruby: "Oh, he just let me join in two years early. You know."

As Y/n and Ruby were talking, Yang sneaks up behind him, and wraps an arm around his neck, causing his face to go completely red.

Yang: "So, you're the one who helped Ruby, eh? I've gotta say, you're one cute hero. So, Y/n, I guess Professor Ozpin was really impressed by you?"


Y/n: ""

Y/n was freaking out internally, not knowing what to say, with his voice even cracking a bit, and Yang noticed that, and got a slightly evil look on her face.

Yang: "Well, I'll say that you've definitely impressed me, cutie." She leans in closer, before saying, "Maybe you could show me something else?"


He just stands there awkwardly for a phew seconds, as Yang giggles, and lets him go.

Yang: "Relaaaaax, I was kidding!"

She walks away, but not before whispering "maybe" into his ear.

Y/n: "....that....happened."

After that, the bullhead lands, as Y/n wanders around, trying to get a feel of the area.

Y/n: Why the hell was that Yang girl flirting with me, I mean I guess I look okay but WHAT? I mean-oh look, literally anything else, I'll focus on that!

The thing that Y/n was distracting himself with was Ruby somehow exploding, right in front of another lady, with....white hair and blue eyes? Wait.

Y/n: Aw shit, it's a Schnee. Crap. One of my biggest heists was on her family....would she know?

He walks up to the two, smiling.

Y/n: "Wassup, Ruby. Wassup....I'm guessing a Schnee....Winter? No, she's too old...hmm....Which was the other sister..."

??: "I'm not revealing my name to a mere Faunus. Now, you! Apologize for wasting so much Dust this instant!"

Ruby: "It was an accident! The Dust just went into my nose, and then I sneezed, and then-"

???: "Stop it. You're Weiss Schnee, from the Schnee Dust Company, aren't you?"

Weiss: "Finally, some recognition!"

A strange girl with black hair and amber eyes walked up to the both of them. The bow on her head weirded Y/n out for some reason, and she herself seemed oddly....familiar.

??: "A company well-known for its morally questionable practices?"

Weiss: "Hey!"

Y/n: "Also, racism against Faunus. I think. I mean, that's what it was like a couple years ago, and I haven't cared enough to verify since."

??: "It's still there."

Y/n: "Good to know."

Weiss then snobbishly walks away, as Y/n sighs, scratching his ears. He looks back at the girl again.

Y/n: "Hey, do I know yo-Aaaaaand she's gone. Figures."

Ruby: "Both of them were weird....."

??: "Hi!"

Both Y/n and Ruby turn around to see....

Ruby: "Vomit Boy?"

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