Chapter 10

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I don't know why i bothered to tell Draco all of that. With my luck the whole school would know about it by morning. But i promised myself a long time ago that i would be strong and live a good life, because that's what Charlotte would have expected of me. I got into my bed while thinking about tonight. Like why i felt compelled to tell Draco what i did about Charlotte. I meant it when i said i'd never told anyone at Hogwarts that before.

I climbed under my warm blanket and started to drift off to sleep, thinking about Draco and worrying about who he would tell.




I woke up and got ready for the day. I went down to the Great Hall and sat down. After a few minutes, Draco walked in. He sat down across from me. I looked at him briefly, wondering why he chose to sit near me of all people. Pansy noticed too. She came and sat next to Draco as gave me a cold stare.

"What are we doing?" She said in a fake nice tone. She was all over Draco. Pansy is clearly not one for personal space. I started to get up because they were gross and i wasn't hungry, and i didn't particularly want to be near Draco. 

"Where are you going?" He asked.

"Anywhere but here." I said, walking away.

I started walking down the hallway outside of the great hall but i stopped momentarily because i wasn't sure where to go. I didn't want to be at the table but it was too early for class. I decided to go to the girls bathroom and read. I always go to the same bathroom because Myrtle, the ghost, is one of the best friends i ever made at Hogwarts.

I walk into the bathroom and immediately Myrtle starts asking me about random things. I told her about Draco and Pansy and she told me it would never last. When i asked why, she wouldn't give me an answer. A lot of her questions over the past year have been about that Harry Potter boy but i don't really know him so i never have that much to tell her. 

"Well what was he wearing today?" She asked.

"I don't know Myrtle. I wasn't looking." I replied, like most times.

"I don't know why. He's hot." She replied, again, like most times. I continued reading and Myrtle floated around her cubicle, as she liked to call it. She started crying, but i've learned not to ask because she usually just cries for the hell of it. I was sitting on the floor with my book when the door opened. I looked up for a moment to see who it was and saw Pansy Parkinson. She came walking over to me at an inhumane speed and ripped my book out of my hands. I saw Myrtle try to catch my book but she's a ghost so that didn't quite work our for her.

"What the hell?" I half-yelled, standing up.

"Why are you after my boyfriend?" Pansy asked, pointing her wand to my neck. My back was up against the wall and her wand was flush with my neck. Her boyfriend? Did she think i was after Malfoy?

"Do you mean Malfoy? Cause if so, i have no interest in him." I said as calmly as possible. She pushed her wand further into my neck and it was starting to hurt. I saw Myrtle leave the bathroom. It's not like Pansy could do any real damage but that didn't stop me from being slightly scared. Not that i'd ever admit that to her in any way, shape, or form.

But then i felt something like knives piercing my body. Pansy couldn't be using knives, her hand had a wand in it. I must have screamed because suddenly my mouth was open. I looked down and saw blood all over my shirt. Pansy was backing away from me with a look in her eyes that almost read like regret. I had no idea what happened. I felt myself fall to the floor but it was almost like i was watching everything happen from outside of my body. Like i saw my body drop to the floor and i saw myself trying to grab at the wounds and only finding blood. But it was like an out of body experience in a way.

I was watching this happen. Watching myself loose blood, not being able to move. But my eyes snapped up when the door opened. Draco Malfoy came running in, with Myrtle not far behind. She looked terrified. Draco knelt down beside my body and grabbed my hands. I wasn't sure what he thought he could do. Clearly i wasn't ok and i'm sure he doesn't know any spells that would make me stop bleeding. And then he got up and ran out. I saw Myrtle, she was crying, like always, and she was just staring at me. I felt a strange wave of peace fall over me as i sank back down into my body.

My eyes opened and i could feel the pain. It was devouring me. I couldn't make out anything other than the splitting pain in my stomach. I think there were people there but everything happened so fast that i couldn't tell what was going on around me. 

I heard a voice in the back of my mind telling me to hold on. Telling me that i couldn't die. That i had to live. So i held on. For as long as i could. But after only a few seconds, the pain became too much for me and i had to close my eyes again.




I was eating breakfast and didn't bother to follow Bri when she got up and left the table. I don't know what is up with Pansy but whenever Bri is around, she feels the need to be near me.

"Get off of me, Pansy." I said, shrugging her off.

"Fine. I'm going to the bathroom." She said, getting up.

I was so glad she was gone, i didn't even think about where she might really be going. I didn't consider that she might be lying. Until Moaning Myrtle came into the dining hall. Everyone went silent at her presence because she's rarely seen out of her bathroom and when she is, it's usually for an odd reason. She came flying at the Slytherin table and once people saw where she was heading, they stopped paying attention. I stopped paying attention too, until i saw that she was coming right for me. I had to move to the side a little bit to avoid her running into me, which now that i think about it probably wasn't going to be a problem, considering her state.

But she started grabbing at my arm, again, not very effectively, and yelling at me to follow her. I couldn't tell you why, but i followed her. I hesitated before entering the girls bathroom but i heard someone scream and ran in.

What i saw was complete horror. I saw Gabriella lying on the ground, her shirt soaked through with blood. It was horrific. I ran in and knelt next to her, feeling her pulse to see if she was still alive. It was faint but it was there. She opened her eyes a little bit but she didn't respond when i spoke.

"Bri! Bri can you here me?" I shouted. She wasn't moving. I grabbed my wand and tried to use a healing spell but nothing was working. Whoever did this must have used the Sectumsempra curse. And i didn't know how to heal that.

"Myrtle, go get Professor Snape! NOW!" I yelled at the ghost. I didn't check to see if she had followed orders while i presses my hands into Bri's abdomen, trying to stop the blood. I felt like i'd been like this for hours. Holding her together, not even stopping to check if her pulse was still going or not. I just held onto her tightly. I have never in my life known such pure agony. I was completely terrified and completely useless. There was absolutely nothing i could do. Then, the door to the bathroom came flying open and Professor Snape came running in.

"Move! MOVE!" He said. I tried to move myself to the other side of her body but she was cornered to the wall. Whoever did this must have had her pinned. And Bri isn't a very large person so if the other person had even 2 inches on her, she was at a disadvantage. I stood up and remained at the back of Snape while he performed song-like incantations. I could barely see as the wounds on Bri's chest and abdomen started to re-close. Almost as if they'd never been at all.

"She's ok? Tell me she'll be alright!" I yelled at the professor. He slowly stood up and turned around. He looked scared but not like she might die. She couldn't die. I- I don't know why her dying scared me so much. It's not like we're together. Or even friends, really. But the idea of not seeing her in the halls made my stomach ache. 

"I don't know, Draco. I healed her but someone used a very dangerous curse on her. We need to get her to Madam Pomfrey." Snape said grimmly.

Until I Met Him (Draco Malfoy) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now