Chapter 9

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We started walking in complete silence. It was a comfortable silence though. I think we both wanted to speak but neither of us knew what to say really. I could feel his glances at me, but then again he could probably feel mine as well. No one, no matter how much they hated Draco Lucius Malfoy, could deny how attractive he is. Blonde isn't usually my type but it works for him. His hair falls slightly in his eyes but you can still see his clear grey eyes if you look for them. And he has this smile. It just makes you want to smile. But you'd never really know that because he doesn't really smile. I've only seen him smile once or twice but when he does, it's just something else. God i sound like i like him. Gross.

"So tell me about your family." Draco said, catching me off guard.

"What do you want to know?" I asked.


"Well after leaving Hogwarts my parents got married and had me. My parents didn't want me to grow up as a wizard so they only told me what i was a week before i first came to Hogwarts. They both have muggle jobs and live like muggles, which i can't for the life of me understand or explain. I mean being a wizard is the best." I said. It was true. I wasn't sure why i was telling him this, he was gonna make some comment about my being raised muggle even though i'm a pureblood.

He seemed to be in thought when i looked up at him after a moment of silence.

"Sometimes i wish i could've been a muggle." He said. I stopped walking. I stood in my place and looked up to him. He looked taken aback by what he said, like it was a confession he'd never said out loud before. His cheeks were red and i couldn't tell if it was from the cool air or from the embarrassment he felt from admitting that out loud. 

"You don't mean that." I said sarcastically. Maybe he did but i doubt it. 

"Yeah i do. It would be so easy to be a muggle." He said, smoothly. Him saying that stirred up all of my old memories of muggle school, and how terrible the people were.

"Muggles can be awful, you know. Not necessarily dangerous, but they're not nice." My voice sounded small. I don't think he noticed but he scoffed anyway.

"What?" I asked, looking up at him. He walked over and sat on the bench that was near us and i sat down on the opposite side.




I try not to notice how Bri sat down as far from me as possible. I don't let those things bother me anymore though. 

I meant it when i said it would be simpler to be a muggle. Maybe i'd have a better relationship with my parents, maybe i'd be  a better person.

"I don't know. It'd just be easier. Similar." I said plainly.

"You'd love muggle school. The bullies are praised and everyone else hates themselves." She said. I looked over to her and she was staring down at her hands. She looked...sad. Muggles can't be that bad. And i said exactly that. She didn't seem to happy with my answer.

"They're not that bad until they make you kill yourself." Bri replied. Her voice broke and that made my heart crack. My eyes were still on her and i swear i saw a tear fall down her cheek but she was so quick to wipe it that i assume she didn't want me to see it.

"What happened?" i asked. Something obviously did and i hoped she would open up to me. But why would she? I've never been anything but awful to her. But to my surprise she turned toward me and started to speak. She seemed to have trouble creating words so i sat, silently, until she was ready. I didn't know what else to do.

"People were always mean. I was bullied a lot until i came here. But it was never that bad because i had my bestfriend, Charlotte. We did everything together, including being bullied. Everyone hated us, they picked on us and were just down right mean to us. But we had each other and that made everything else fine. Until i got my Hogwarts letter. I didn't even consider what it would be like for her when i left school." She was crying now. I could see the tears glistening on her cheeks. She tried to wipe them but as soon as she wiped one, another fell in its place. I have never been in more pain over seeing someone cry, I wasn't sure why but seeing her so upset just hurt my heart.

"The bullying got worse for her without me there to take some of the heat and she couldn't deal with it anymore. I went home for summer break after 4th year and my parents told me that Charlotte had killed herself a month prior and they didn't tell me because they wanted me to finish the year. She left me a note telling me that maybe things would have been different if i'd stayed at school but that she wanted me to do great things with my life. She was the only person other than my parents that knew about me being a wizard. And she's gone. And it's my fault." 

I didn't even know what to say. Words have always been a strong suit of mine but i had no idea how to respond to this. What do you tell someone who lost their best friend in such a way? I'm sorry doesn't feel like enough but it's not like i can tell her i understand because i don't.

"Bri, i'm so sorry." Was all i could manage to say. She wiped her tears quickly and turned away from me. Her back was too me and i could hear her sniffled. She was clearly trying to clean herself up or something but it wasn't working. 

"No one here knows that. I don't know why i told you." She said while starting to stand up. Out of reflex, it seemed, i stood and grabbed her hand before she could walk away. Her hand was freezing cold and i could see her nose and eyes were all pink, either from crying or from the cold. I realized that we were both watching the hand i grabbed and i let go. She looked up at me with sad eyes and i could just tell how much she missed her friend. I'm not gonna lie, i still think being a muggle would be better but clearly it's not without it's struggles for people. She started to walk away again and i trailed behind her. We got inside and she started up the stairs to the common room. Still a good distance behind her, i walked up the stairs slowly. I didn't know any of that about her. Because i never cared to ask.

Until I Met Him (Draco Malfoy) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now