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Mark awoken to the sound of a door shutting. Turning his head slowly, he then realized that he was in a hospital room, not as a patient though. He looked up to see a girl who was barely even recognizable anymore. Gosh, what he would do to go back and time just to hear her laugh while he held her in his arms in their apartment.

Mark was too busy stroking the palm of Lexie's hand and focusing on all the regret he had for hurting her that he didn't even hear the door open, "Meredith told me you'd be in here" Mark's head turned quickly when he heard that familiar voice.

"Julia..hey, yeah..i-im sorry" he mumbled before turning his attention back to the younger and broken Grey on the bed. What exactly was it that he was apologizing for though?

"I just wanted to make sure you were okay, as soon as I heard about the plane crash and everyone being hurt, they wouldn't even tell me who the one that was badly injured and has their life on the line. I was so scared thinking it was you.." Julia said sadly.

"Julia, Lexie is in a fucking coma and IF she wakes up, she might never be able to walk again or use her left arm and hand, everything she loves doing could be OVER and if I could switch places with her, believe me..I would" Mark said, never taking his eyes off of the brunette in the bed

"Look, it's sad..I know, it's sad that Lexie is in this condition but you need some rest and maybe even a shower, okay? So come on, I'll take you to my place and even cook you something" Julia said with a small smile. She knew she already lost him so what was the point anymore?

Mark just shook his head and sighed, "i-im sorry, Julia. You're really great and really nice heart belongs to Lexie and I can't put you and her through the pain with pretending to love you.." Mark said with a frown. He truly didn't want to hurt Julia but he knew he could never be happy with her like he was and is with Lexie.

Julia sighed a little and nodded slowly, "I already saw this coming actually, I was stupid for trying to still make my way to where Lexie is in your heart." Julia said sadly but then smiled a little, "I hope she wakes up and I hope you two are happy, seriously. Plus, she's going to need you WHEN she wakes up" Julia said sweetly and rubbed Mark's back. "have a nice life, Mark" she smiled before turning and walking out quickly.

Mark just sat there shocked. He was expecting her to scream and call him a fucking player or whatever but she didn't. She handled it the way he respected her so much for. He smiled slightly before turning back to Lexie, 'come on Lex, I need you to be strong for me and pull through, come on come on come on..we are going to be so happy, I'll get your stuff and move you back into my apartment and make you steak since I know you love it. I'll even make sure to buy you a bunch of reese's peanut butter cups." He smiled as a couple of years escaped his eyes when he remembered something.

Lexie was currently lying down on the couch of hers and Mark's apartment with a heating pad against her stomach. It was that time of month for Lexie and all she wanted to do was cuddle with her man while watching tv but even though it was her day off, Mark still had work. That's the only thing that sucks about dating a super successful surgeon.

Just as Lexie finally began to be comfortable once the cramps settled down, she heard the door open and close which made her eyes shoot open as she leaned up, "Mark, you're early" Lexie said with a small smile then noticed a bag in his hand.

"My girl wasn't feeling good so I decided to come home early but after I made a quick stop by the store." He said with a smile before going over to the couch and sitting in front of her on the table before pulling out everything he got. "Okay so I got you more tampons since I noticed you were running out this morning" that made Lexie smile, most guys would get disgusted with buying female products but Mark actually took the time to buy them for her.

"Then I got you a white cherry gatorade since I know it's your favorite flavor" he pulled out the six pack of it then set it beside him on the table before looking at her, "and of course..I couldn't forget these." He laughed as he saw how Lexie's face brightened when he pulled the pack of reese's peanut butter cups out.

"Mark, you didn't need to do all of this.." Lexie began but then Mark just shook his head and watched as Lexie got in a sitting position so Mark took that as a sign and got up, moving to sit next to his girlfriend. "I wanted to and I love making you happy, so and I are going to cuddle and watch the stupidest movies we can find"

Lexie laughed and nodded before cuddling into his side while he flipped through the channel and she opened one of the reese's peanut butter cups, popping the whole thing into her mouth. Suddenly, her day was all better.

"That was a week before we broke up.." Mark whispered to himself. Him and Lexie breaking up had a pretty stupid reason actually. Lexie and Mark were stressed from work and never had time for each other but..instead of trying and making things work like almost every other couple, they ended up with arguing then Lexie packing her things and..leaving.

"I should've fought for you, I should've fought for us.." Mark whispered against her hand as he felt more tears begin to fall. He was glad that all their friends were working so they wouldn't see him in such a vulnerable state. "I-I bought a ring, I was going to propose when I had the chance..b-but we never had a chance.." his bottom lip shook.

"Gosh, dating Julia wasn't me replacing you. I was just so tired of feeling empty but even with Julia, I felt worse than just being single. I need you, Lex. You're all I have and you're all I need, please come back to me.." he kissed her hand multiple times, "I love you, I love you, I love you.."

As Mark was deep in his thoughts and tears, he didn't feel the twitch of a hand in his or the slight groan from when her body turned slightly and caused her pain. No, what snapped him out of his thoughts was that voice he's been hoping to hear since she got out of surgery.


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