You climbed the chair, before slowly putting the scarf around your foot. You grabbed on tight, and you nod to them. Felix nods back, before pulling the line up. He and Bendy did it together, and as you slowly went up, you looked down to see your hospital gown changing. It didn't look magical, nor sparkly, it just slowly changed back into your D.Va costume. You were slightly sad it didn't make you feel like a magical girl, but hey that saves you trouble.

As you eventually reached the top, Cuphead grabs hold of your arm. Thanking him, they pull you up, to where you grab all of them in a tight hug. "Thanks guys."

"You're welcome Y/N,"

. . .



"Air," Felix choked, to where you immediately let go of them. "Sorry!" They chuckled and laugh, to where Felix slowly shook his head with a smile. "It's fine."

Eventually the search continued, and you raise a brow as you noticed a blank open cabinet in the kitchen part of the house. It was big enough for a person, and before you could ask about it, Mugman nods. "Yeah we've been noticing a bunch of them too."

. . .

"Empty cabinets?"

"You know I meant these weird blank spaces."

You laugh it off, and go on with your quest. If, you could call it that. You now reach the dining area, where there proudly displayed a long table and chairs. Multiple portraits hung from the wall, and what looked to be a supply closet was located in the back.

No one paid any attention to it.

That was until the sounds of banging made you all look.

It looked like someone was inside, and was frantically kicking and hitting against the wooden doors. You all rush over, standing aside as Felix forcefully pulls the doors. It doesn't open, but Boris comes running towards him with a key. The cat gratefully accepts it, before Boris goes and stands next to you.

You watch intently as he opens the door to reveal a certain tied up ravenette. She looked pissed, and only now did you hear her muffled cries (cries of anger, not help).

"Huh," You commented, "Never thought I'd find Fiona in a closet again." You watch Felix kneel and rip off the tape on her mouth as he untied her, the dragon gratefully accepting his help. Boris snorted, excusing himself as you happily gave him a fist bump.

She stood, dusting herself off. "Guess who hates being chased and got just that happen to her check," She mumbled sarcastically, sighing as she then fixes her hair. "Was it by a woman in white?"

"And looks like someone experiencing the worst hair day ever?" Fiona finished for you, to which you nodded. "Yup. Her. Freya was she fast."

"Oh well I'm just glad you're safe," Felix tells her, to where she actually smiles slightly. "I'm not." That earned Cuphead a bruise on his stomach that'll probably heal in a few weeks.

Soon enough you have all finished going through the entirety of the first floor, and the stairs leading up the second have never looked more terrifying and tiring to climb. "You know, this is seriously giving me Fran Bow vibes." Fiona commented, to where Boris snaps his fingers. "That's what it reminded me of."

"The moment I see twins, I'm gonna start slapping." The ravenette casually added, to where Boris nods. "I'll probably just run away."

Ignoring this weird understanding between them, Felix goes ahead and leads the way up the stairs, to where you all followed closely behind. His head peeked up the stairs, and once sure that the coast was clear, he continues moving.

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