"Hold on! I got you!"

"Buddy! Don't! You'll be sucked in too!"

"I'm not letting go!"

Y/N's cable breaks, and Sonic and Y/N get sucked into the portal, which promptly closes. Tails is in disbelief over what he just witnessed.

"But we destroyed the Phantom Ruby's power source."

Eggman reappears in his Egg Mobile to explain everything to Tails, who stares up at Eggman in total shock.

"Tsk, tsk. Since you ALWAYS destroy the power source of my weapons, I decided to learn from my mistakes. I had a back-up power source created under Metropolis."


Back to Sonic and Y/N as they are in Null Space where everything is filled with blue cubes as they ran in this endless room.

"This isn't where we were meant to end up." Sonic sweatdropped.

"No kidding." Y/N agreed.

"A prison that goes on forever, huh? At least getting sent here taught me something. Nothing beats realizing that you're not alone."

"You're right, Sonic! I'm glad I had you as my brother!"

"Same! Let's head back. Everyone is waiting for us!"

"Yeah!" Y/N said, remembering the power move that made both of them go faster.

Her and Sonic jumped in mid-air and fist bumped each other as they spin dash forward.

"Double Boost!!"

They ran forward faster than ever as they could see the light up ahead.

"We've got this! Keep it up, sis!"

"Yeah! Nothing can contain the two of us at max power! Not even null space!"

"That's right!"

The portal appeared as they started sliding through the white pipe.

"Sup, everyone? I missed this place." Sonic greeted to the radio.

"What happened, Sonic?! You two just up and disappeared." Knuckles exclaimed in shock over the radio.

"Nothing happened. Literally. Now let's track down Eggman!"

Both Sonic and Y/N slide down on the long red pipe and jump to the other then the other as they slide up and down. They then landed on top of the building with a glass floor below them as the robots jumps down and was about to shoot them when Y/N brought out her Burning Wispon and blast them with fire as they all exploded at the same time. They then jumped to the next building and destroyed a few more robots while heading to the next building before jumping off to the red pipe as they slide once more.

"How's the battle going?" Sonic asked.

"We've got them on the ropes!" Amy replied over the radio. "If our fleet can keep the upper hand, we should have things under control soon."

"You're gonna miss out on the fun if you don't hurry, Sonic." Rouge spoke.

After landing on another building and destroying robots, Sonic and Y/N jumped up high over to the red pipe as they slide up to another building. They jump onto the flying robots to use them to boost themselves up while destroying and landed onto the next pipe and jumping to the other as they slide around the building. They are now close to where Eggman and Infinite are as they kept on going until they made it.

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