Yes sir, I can boogie

Start from the beginning


"Trixie, please. I'm asking you, please, friends do each other favors, I would do anything for you, and you know it."

"Do you want me to help with my competition?"

"Don't see it that way, think that you could guide her in the great world of modeling, and eventually she will thank you. And who better than the most experienced model in the business?"

The blonde remained quiet for a few seconds, thinking about her options as she stared at the bubbles in her champagne glass.

"Do you want me to leave her alone in the middle of this ball of pigs? You know what they would do to an inexperienced girl."

That finally convinced her.

She wasn't going to let any nasty man put his hands on a girl who was just getting started.

"I'll do it."

"Oh Trixie, you are the best, did you know it?"

"Yes," joked the girl as she rolled her eyes.

Both continued to talk in that corner, and although Sutan was the one who was making most of the conversation, the blonde really enjoyed her company unlike the other people in the room. It wasn't until her third glass of expensive alcohol that they heard a voice, making the boy smile.

"Sutan!" a girl in a red dress yelled without caring about all the attention she received from the other guests.

"You, stupid little girl!" the boy replied with a tone much lower than hers but just as enthusiastic.

It was funny to see the two huggings as if they were lifelong friends, and Trixie was a little jealous of not having such a close relationship as that girl had with her only friend in the industry.

Her attire was... Interesting.

Trixie, being the supermodel she was, was wearing a cute, white dress; short, sleeveless, and loose (but still marking her figure) and with fabric loosely tied around her neck, leaning against her breasts. Her hair was tied up in a ridiculously elegant bun, and her eye makeup was done with a beautiful dark blue that was unusual in any other woman but not in her.

The unknown girl, on the other hand, wore a red jumper with a black belt that shone like her heels. Her hair was held in a tall ponytail and a pair of earrings that only made her neck look longer, which was great for the industry. And needless to say with her makeup, because although the scarlet red lipstick seemed to be forbidden for parties like this, she wore it with pride.

"I knew it, you look gorgeous," said a slightly drunk Sutan as he forced the girl to twirl and laughed slightly, "I'm not a genius, Trixie?"

The blonde just nodded, and for the first time in the night, her gaze met with the other girl's eyes.

"Katya, I want you to meet Trixie Mattel," he said proudly as she saw the girl in red, opening her eyes with surprise, "Trixie, I want you to meet Katya Zamo, she's a foreigner, and we had to shorten her last name to make it more commercial."

Trixie looked at her for a couple of seconds before reaching out a hand, which the girl accepted excitedly, shaking her with enthusiasm.

One shots.- TrixyaWhere stories live. Discover now