5:𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝑅𝑒𝑏𝑒𝑙𝑠

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Dami POV

It's official. This bitch is crazy. Actually pretty spot on. The way the words just flew from her mouth like she was serious. I just stare at her incredulously waiting for the men with cameras to pop out.

"Haha, you're so funny." I reply sarcastically

"I'm being serious. Not joking even a little."

"Okay I think it's time for you to leave. I answered your questions so get out."

"Look I know it's sounds crazy, but just here me out." She takes a deep breath and begins. "Okay so as crazy as it may sound I'm a witch. I come from a long line of powerful witches. The coven I was apart of had a sort of disagreement on how to deal with a "traitor". The so called "traitor" exposed the leaders lies . However the "traitor" wasn't just anyone. It was her most trusted subject. Instead of killing them, she cursed them to be a beast for eternity. This caused a rebellion. It was a very small one but powerful. 7 of her most powerful subjects turned against her. The 7 witches now are searching for someone with a special power to find their lost friend. And we think we found them. Them being you."

I look at her with wide eyes. I'm at a lost for words. Nothing she's saying can possibly be true. Of that essay she just gave me something sticks out. Monster. "What do you mean by monster?" I ask her angrily
She gulps before answering. "I think you know exactly what I mean. The monster you need the sight to see. The same monster your father went after and died."

I winced at the word 'died'. Even though I try to convince myself I don't care I never could bring myself to say he was dead. I mean he's been missing for 3 years. What did I think he was doing? Chilling on a beach at a nice vacation house. Maybe I'm the naive one here.

The I suddenly think back to my childhood. The stories my father would tell me. He always said that the monster wasn't just a monster. It had a human heart. But that heart was poisoned.

"You seriously want me to believe all of this because you said so?!" I shout "Even if this so called monster is real, how do you know that it's your friend. I mean if witches really exist around the world anybody could have turned that "monster". Plus how do you know it's a monster, it could just be any animal." I try to reason.

"That's the thing, not just any witch can perform this type of spell. It takes a very powerful one. And I don't know it's her. I just have a feeling. And that feeling is all we have." I look at her face for a second for any signs of untruthfulness. She looks so desperate and helpless. Completely different from the woman who first entered my house.

"So who and where are they?" I ask annoyed at myself for actually considering believing her.

She gives me a confused expression but then realized what I mean. "Like I said. Only 7 subjects had the courage to go against their precious leader. Only 7 knew the truth behind the lies. Those 7 are called The Rebels."

"You're one of them right? Then are you like their leader?" I ask going along with whatever the fuck this is.

"No, we gave the leader position to our strongest, Baekhyun."

"Next is Wheein, Seungyeon, Taehyung, Yuju, and Jeongyeon." She looks over at me to make sure I'm following along. "We were all very close to the person who we are looking for."

"Why do you keep referring to your friend as "person"or "her"? Doesn't she have a name?"

"She does but I can't tell you that. I've already told you too much as it is." She gives me a sympathetic look when she sees me not-so subtly roll my eyes. "That reminds me. You can't tell anybody about this. Our former leader is on the hunt for us. And when she wants to find out something she never fails." She warns me. She then pulls out her phone and looks through it.

I take a few deep breaths. I don't really know how to process any of the information I've just been given. I mean on one hand she could be telling the truth. If she is then that means that my father was not as crazy as everyone thought he was. But how could he have possibly known any of this? He barely went anywhere if it wasn't to work. Wether he knew or not it still doesn't change the fact that he was stupid for thinking he was special.

That brings me back to what she said earlier. She said she thought I had the gift sight thingy or whatever. Why would she think that? Why would I have it out of all people in this world. What sets me apart from them?

Before I get the chance to ask her even more questions she looks up from her phone and says "I just go in touch with the other rebels and they're on they're way here now."

To be continued.....

A/N: Ot7 is finally back!! I'm not crying you are😭

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