3: 𝑃𝑟𝑒𝑡𝑡𝑦 𝑠𝑝𝑜𝑡 𝑜𝑛

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"So, where are you from? I haven't seen you around here before.", Dami asks in awe at how such a small person could consume that much food. The place where Dami lived was a very small town in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.Not many people knew of it outside of the people who lived there. Even the tourists had a hard time finding the place.

"Im from New Orleans. I don't live too far from here. Although this place is hidden very well, once you're inside it's not too hard to find anything." She was right. The town was very crowded. Everybody knew everyone and their secrets. If you wanted to know someone without ever communicating with them you could just ask someone in town. They could provide you with every last little detail.

"So, can we go ahead and get this interview over with?"

"Oh sorry were you busy I can come at at later time if you want?" Dami looks at her incredulously. What was the point of coming this early if you could come at a more reasonable time?

Bora POV

Tapping my hand impatiently on the kitchen counter I wait for her answer. Is she catching on to me? No. I haven't even done anything suspicious. I can't afford for her to find out anything yet. If anybody finds out my secret there's no doubt it'll get back to her. Im already walking on thin ice.

After what seems like hours but was easily just a few seconds she answers. " No I'm not busy, I just prefer to be alone". I let out a breath I didn't even realize I was holding. I need to stop over thinking things. If she was suspicious of me she wouldn't have let me in her house.

"Well I guess we should get started then."

Dami Pov

Its been an hour yet we've barely made any progress. Her questions were normal at first like "what's your happiest memory with your dad" or "do you wish he would've stayed home". But then they got really weird. Asking me questions like "have you ever felt a power inside of you".

"Okay, final question" she says pausing writing down my previous answers. "Do you have an attic?"

I stare at her confused as to why she wants to know do I have an attic. Is she trying to flesh out all my possible hiding spots before she can kill me? No stop being paranoid Dami.

"What?" I ask beyond confusion

"It's just a precautionary question"

"Wait don't tell me. You're asking me because let me guess. You think I'm a witch or from a family of witches and they usually keep spell books in their attics right?" She looks at me wide eyed. I can't tell wether she's confused or just amused.

"Yeah actually pretty spot on."

To be continued.....

A/n: sorry for the later update, ive been busy studying and planning out how I'm going to write the other books that are gonna be in this series.

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