"You killed us (Y/N)"

     "You killed us (Y/N)"

     "You killed us (Y/N)"

     "You killed us (Y/N)"

     "NO I DIDN'T STOP IT!!"

     Stop... stop.. stop. Please.

     "(Y/N)!! WAKE UP PLEASE!!"

     "TANJIROU!!!!" I woke up with a panic, but as soon as I did, I hit my forehead against something very hard and fell back on my bed. "Ahhhh!"

Tanjirou's POV

     It happened too fast. (Y/N) was having a nightmare and kept screaming out my name and someone by the name of Muzan. The name sounds so familiar, yet I can't wrap my finger around it. I called out her name various times yet she just wouldn't wake up. There was a point where (Y/N) was crying and yelling out my name and I just couldn't stand seeing her in pain in anymore. I was getting really worried.
     I called out her name various times and now standing and shaking her to wake her up. I thought it wasn't working and was about to call for help, until she screamed out my name and woke up. It was too suddenn... she had hit my forehead and fell back down.
     "(Y/N)!! You're awake thank goodness!"
     "T-Tanjirou!" She yelled out my name and threw herself to me barely giving me enough time to react. She was crying in my arms... what kind of nightmare did she have, to be in a state like this.
     "(Y/N)..." I embraced her and we stood there for what seemed to be hours until she finally pulled away.
     "Ouch... ouch... ouch. What did I hit?" She touched her forehead, it was now bleeding from the head bump she got from me...
     "Ahhhhh... I'm so sorry (Y/N)!" I rapidly got up and got a towel and poured water on it from the bathroom sink. Making my way back I slowly pressed the wet towel on her forehead. "I actually have a very hard forhead... and you kind of hit it head on, I'm sorry (Y/N)."
     "(Y/N)?" I didn't notice at all, but (Y/N)'s cheeks had suddenly turned to a rosy red color. "D-Do you have a fever?"
STUPID TANJIROU— I was caught off guard... she looked so cute that I randomly spat that out.
     "I-I'm okay!" (Y/N) rapidly responded as she saw my expression. Oh no, I just made the situation more awkward. "Thank you for staying Tanjirou, I didn't meant to be trouble for you."
     She's so sweet... "It's okay (Y/N) it was no trouble at all, I was very worried about you." She's going through something and I want to help her as much as I can.
She smiled at my response, but the smile soon turned to a pained expression. I couldn't help but feel anguished... she's keeping something serious from me. I was pretending I didn't knew, but I had known since her date with Giyuu. She had changed... she was in pain. Her scent that once smelled of blooming Cherry Blossoms now smelt like dead flowers.
"Tanjirou?" (Y/N) said my name in a very pained voice.
"Yes?" I responded.
"Thank you for staying... I'm very sorry for causing any trouble. I'll be returning to school next week... after all I don't want to miss Mitsuri's debut." She smiled at me. That sweet smile... I've seen that smile so many times, but I for sure know I haven't. Where would I have seen it?
"Alright (Y/N)... I'll be dropping by everyday to see how you are, if that's okay." If she's hiding something then there's nothing I could do about it. I won't pressure her, instead I'll help her as much as I can. I wasn't sure why I was doing this, but I had a feeling that I had to be by her side as much as I could. It was this feeling... a feeling that said 'if I was to leave her alone she would disappear from my side.'
"I would love that Tanjirou," (Y/N) said distracting me from my thoughts. "Thank you for checking on me, I feel a lot better now."

With that I told her goodbye and started my way home. I didn't want to leave her, but it was late at night and she didn't want my parents to be worrying about me. One of her drivers had offered to give me a ride, but I kindly rejected it since I didn't live that far.

Mitsuri's debut is within two weeks, everyone was excited. I can't wait to show (Y/N) how beautiful the idol world can be.

Published on November 13, 2020
.•1468 words used•.

My next chapter will be a late Halloween special. I know it's late, but I've been planning this special story for months, but because of school I wasn't able to publish it on time :((

I'll be publishing it in 1-2 days hopefully!

Mitsuri's debut is soon

(Y/N)'s dream is about to be
a step closure

But something will keep her
from reaching that goal

Evil is lurking...
Will the modern world fall
in a world of demon's once again?

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