Chapter 12

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"This is a terrible idea. The closer we got, the worse this idea became. Why are we doing this?" Tewksbury asked Enola and me as we got out of the automobile. Enola got off and just started walking towards the entrance, leaving Tewksbury and me alone.

"This is so embarrassing," I said as I got off of his lap. "To be honest, I quite liked it." He chuckled. "Oh my god." I looked at him in embarrassment before walking toward Enola and leaving Tewksbury behind. 

We entered the manor and looked around to see if there was anyone. But it was in complete silence. You could hear the clock ticking. "Where are all the servants?" Tewksbury whispered. "Welcome to the future," Enola answered while shutting the door behind us. 

"Mother?" He yelled out. We all started walking into the same big room as before. "What's happening?" Tewksbury looked around but still found nobody.

"They know we are here," I whispered. The three of us stood in front of a small round table with a vase on top of it. Before anyone could say more, we heard a riffle cock. "Down!" Enola yelled, ducking down behind the table as the vase broke.

"Run!" Enola yelled again, running to the entrance with Tewksbury and me. We try and open the door but it won't move. "It's locked," I said in a panic. Another gunshot went off in our direction, hitting everything around us.

"Get down!" I yelled and grabbed Tewksbury's hand to lead him to the other side of the room. The man in the bowler hat attempted to shoot us again but missed. He reloaded his gun and shoot the statue in front of us screamed loudly in fear.

Enola and I slid down to the floor but Tewksbury continued to stand up. "Get down you bimbo." I tugged Tewksbury by his hand. The man in the bowler hat walked toward us as he reloaded. Enola grabbed something from the floor and threw it at another statue to distract him while she moved.

He shot the statue as Enola slid to the other side. "Stay here," Enola whispered to me and Tewksbury. The man in the bowler hat shot the statue next to Tewksbury, making both him and I shake in fear.

Enola attacked the man by jumping on his back and attempting to choke him with the riffle but it backfired when he threw her on the floor and knocked her out. "I have to go save Enola. Stay here." I whispered to Tewksbury as she began to run toward the man and fight him.

The man kicked me hard in the stomach making me fall over next to Enola. The man got ready to shoot us until Tewksbury knocked the man over and attempted to fight him but that doesn't work out when the man punches him in the face.

Now all three of us were on the floor. The man in the bowler hat then proceeded to choke Tewksbury. I slowly crawled over to some of the pieces left of a statue and approached the man slowly.

Without much thought, I hit the man in the head with the heavy and large piece, making him knockout. I grabbed Tewksbury and embraced him in a hug. "Are you okay?" I looked at him deep in the eyes. "I could be better," He said, panting from not being able to breathe just a second ago. We then heard Enola coughing.

I crawled over to her. "Enola are you okay?" I looked at my sister. "I'm okay." Enola cried out. After that, we heard tapping on the ground. We all look to see what it was. "Grandmother?" Tewksbury stood up.

"Yes. I'm afraid so. It seems if you want a job done, you have to do it yourself." She frowned. I got up and held onto Tewksbury. Enola started walking up to his grandmother. "No, Enola." He put his arm out in front of her.

His grandmother picked up the riffle slowly. "Where's my mother?" Tewksbury asked his grandmother, confusingly. "In London. With your uncle. Looking for you." She answered him as she reloaded the riffle and started walking toward him.

"They never understood. I'm so sorry my darling. The future of the country is at stake." His grandmother said before rang the riffle up and shooting him in the chest. "No!" Enola screamed as he flies back. I looked at him with tears falling from my face, as I silently cried.

I ran toward him and fell to my knees, putting my hands on his cheeks. "Please..." I sobbed. Enola ran toward his grandmother before suddenly stopping when his grandmother tried to shoot her but she ran out of bullets.

Tewksbury's grandmother slowly puts down the riffle as Enola walked up to her a takes the riffle away. "It's done. It's done." His grandmother said. Enola ran toward me and Tewksbury. I was laying on him while holding his hand, crying on his chest. Enola dropped the riffle and comforted me, by rubbing my back softly.

We were both crying until I feel Tewksbury's hand hold onto mine. I slowly lifted my head up and looked at him. "Tewksbury?" I asked. He got up as I held him for support. "Be careful," I whispered.

"I'm not entirely an idiot you know." He opened up his coat to reveal that he had a piece of armor under it. Without a word, I kissed him for a second and hugged him tightly. He chuckled and hugged her back.

I gave Enola a chance to hug him as well. After that, Tewksbury got up and took off the armor and he helped me up. "Your time is over," He told his grandmother as she frowned.

(time skip)

After everything was back to the way it was, I went to go visit Tewksbury at his first voting. I walked up to the gates and saw him, his mother, and his uncle. "Well, congratulations. You finally look like the nincompoop you were born to be." I laughed. "I'm only joking. I think you look handsome." I chuckled some more.

"The vote is in an hour. It's um, it's quite the thing." He laughed. "Wait a minute. Am I supposed to bow now that you are whatever you are?" I questioned him, not knowing how to formally be.

"Well, arguably, you always had to bow. You just... chose not to." He explained as I laughed. "So are you safe? You and Enola? I mean are you comfortable? You're not still living in that terrible lodgings house are you?" He looked at me with concern. 

"No." I looked at him, happy that he is concerned. "I may have used the reward money your mother gave me and found somewhere new." I laughed. "Which you reluctantly took." He looked back at his mother and uncle staring at us.

"Well, mother has said that there's um, there's always room for you with us. And Enola of course." He slowly told me. "I'll have to think about it. And I don't think Enola will like being the third wheel." I chuckled a bit.

"I've got to go. Enola's waiting for me. I'll see you soon." I told him, holding on to his hand.

He brings up my hand and kisses my knuckles. "Until next time." He said as I walked away.

I walked around Royal Academy to look for Enola, since she said she had to do something there. I see Enola in the most strangest disguise yet. I sat down next to her. "Are you done yet?" I whispered. "Yes, just barely," Enola answered.

"Come on let's go," I said before walking toward our new place.



ah that's it!

i really hoped you enjoyed.

i'm sorry if you didn't like the way i wrote it in any way.

please correct me. haha.

i want to thank you guys so much.

i'll talk with you guys soon!:)))

thank you for the support!


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