Chapter XI: Making Ground

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"So," Ashton remarked as we dismounted his motorcycle minutes later, "I take it you never get in trouble."

I frowned before answering, "I do sometimes."

He smiled, but it was void of humor. "What does 'sometimes' mean? Your one trip to detention?"

Why bring that up now? "Well...yeah," I muttered in bewilderment. When Ash didn't respond, I tried to change the subject. "So what are you going to do about your helmets? They're still at the museum."

"Never mind them," he said, pulling the garage door open with surprising force. Still confused, I followed him out of the garage. He had seemed perfectly happy a few minutes ago, when we'd been literally running for our lives. Why was he acting like this now?

" okay?" I questioned as I moved to walk beside him.

"I'm fantastic."

Really? Then why are you glaring? I wanted to say, but I bit my tongue instead. I endured his silent fuming all the way to the house, but once inside, I could no longer ignore the sick feeling in my gut.

Just as Ash was about to make his getaway, I impulsively reached out and caught his wrist. He stopped in his tracks immediately to look down at my hand.

Embarrassed, I stared wide-eyed at him for a moment, before hastily dropping his wrist and collecting myself. He didn't look pleased, but he didn't leave. I took that as a good sign. Still, it was not easy finding my voice. "Uh...are you...are you sure you're okay?"

"I'm fine." Even now, the words were uttered in that cold voice.

Growing more and more perturbed by the second, I let out a frustrated breath and wondered in exasperation, "Is it something I said?"

"No," he breathed out. "Of course not."

I watched him in aggravation, knowing that he was lying. "What? Are you upset that I don't get in trouble all the time or something?"

Ashton stared at me in disbelief. "That's not even—I didn't mean that."

"Then why are you upset?"

"I'm not!"

My jaw dropped. He has got to be kidding. I was just about to blurt out something ugly, but I was cut off by the sound of the front door opening.

Jumping in surprise, I whirled to see who had interrupted us. I was met by the startled face of Joshua Presley.

"Uh..." I wasn't sure at first who had emitted the sound, but then I realized that my mouth was the only one open. I felt like a criminal caught in the act, yet I didn't even know what I was guilty of.

Josh recovered easily enough. "Maine! What a pleasant surprise." I blinked, baffled. "I wasn't expecting to see you here."

"Do you have brain damage?" Ashton's words came as a surprise to all three of us. "Did I not tell you she works here?"

Josh looked up at his friend then, clearly not expecting him to be in a mood. "Somebody's having a bad day."

Ash rolled his eyes. "For the tenth time, I'm fine."


"What did I miss?" A fourth voice interrupted our exchange, and I glanced toward the door to see that Dave had just arrived.

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