"It would probably be useful if I could see what your quirk was like. Could you please give me a demonstration, Yamada?"

The girl's green eyes widened in fear at the mention of using her quirk.

"D-do I have to?"

Umiko's eyes furrowed in confusion. Why wouldn't she want to show her quirk? All she needed to do was activate it for bit so that she could come up with some ideas on how they could make an ultimate move.

"I'm sorry, what?"

"I don't want to," she said at a volume that was barely audible.

Umiko gazed at her awkwardly.

Yamada looked as timid as a mouse as she tugged on her hair, once again looking down at her shoes and shaking her head.

"I can't do it..."

"Yamada,we're training for the sports festival here, this isn't something to joke about. All I'm asking is for you to show me your quirk so I can come up with a plan."

Reluctantly, Yamada nodded her head.

"Good, I'll stand back a bit."

Slowly, she raised her head, looking around to make sure no one else was watching, and the opened her mouth. Squeezing her eyes shut, she looked like she was focusing. Then, a high-pitched scream escaped from her lips, that made Umiko cover her ears. It was extremely powerful for such a weak, anxious looking girl, so much so that it surprised her partner greatly.

But then, the noise disappeared as quickly as it appeared and the girl panicked as tears escaped her worried eyes.

"I'm sorry, I can't do this," she whispered.

Yamada began to run away before Umiko had any time to process what was going on. Blinking in confusion, she realised she was one and sighed in frustration. She just couldn't understand why her partner was acting so weirdly. All she did was ask her to show her quirk, right? Shaking her head, she turned around, ready to go explain what happened to Nightmare. Not that there was much to explain anyway.

But before she could even reach the teacher, someone was tapping on her shoulder.

"Hey, Umiko, I saw what happened to your partner," Tsukamoto said.

She sighed again.

"I don't know why she left left. I asked her to show me her quirk but after she did she got really scared and ran away."

"Did you ask her what was wrong?"

"I- no. I didn't."

And then she realised that she had done the complete opposite. She had been harsh with the girl.

"Maybe you should start with that. She looked really scared."

"Aren't you supposed to be with your own partner right now, Tsukamoto?"

"I am, but you looked a bit lost so I thought I'd try help you out. After all, that's what friends are for!" he smiled brightly.

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