↳ seven

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It wasn't until a week later that the students of the first year hero course were allowed back to school. They'd been given the following week off to give the students time to mentally recover from the scare at the museum. The teachers didn't think it would be wise to rush them back into school after such an incident.

As Umiko walked into the class, the final to arrive, which was unusual behaviour for her, she noticed Nightmare was standing in the front of the class. She was waiting to speak.

"Now that everyone is here, I have an announcement to make. The principal has asked me to speak to you all about the few changes being made right regarding what happened on the trip to the Museum. As you all clearly know, we were unexpectedly attacked by a group of villains who the police have no records of. As none of you were hurt, the attack wouldn't have been a problem had the villains been caught. Unfortunately, they escaped. Based on what they were saying, their group is trying to target the hero course of UA. So with this risk in mind, the principal has asked us teachers to begin training you with the curriculum you would normally begin closer to the middle and end of the year. This is to better prepare you for any further attacks from this group, to make sure that if they do manage to reach you again, however unlikely, you will be able to defend yourselves better. So the following few weeks will be focused on beginning this training."

"But what about the Sports Festival!" one student asked.

"Wait is that coming up?"

"I forgot all about that, you're right!"

The rest of the class joined in, chatting noisily.

"Quiet. I was about to get onto that. The Sports Festival will still be commencing and will be happening three weeks from now. This training that I mentioned will also be a way for you to prepare for the Sports Festival, so don't take it lightly."

"Is Class 1A also doing this training too?" someone asked.

"Yes, it would be unfair otherwise."

"So when does the training actually start?" they continued.

Nightmare smirked.


"What? But what about classes."

"They'll be postponed until after the sports festival. This is a hero school, you're trying to be heroes, not English teachers. So go get changed into your sports kit, we're meeting on the field," she declared.

"But-" another student began.

"No buts. Get a move on."

There was a series of groans before everyone started filing their way into the changing rooms. Umiko walked out of the classroom, her face blank, contrasting the excitement and confusion swirling around the students.

"Hey Umiko, are you excited for the training?" grinned a very enthusiastic Tsukamoto.

She shrugged.

"I guess."

His face fell.


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