"So, do you want to tell me something about you, I mean we will be together for six months might as well try to get comfortable around each other." I say trying to get him to talk to me.

"Um, there's not much to tell," he shrugs.

He doesn't like attention, or isn't used to attention.

I look at him amused, "somehow I find that hard to believe."

He blushes and my heart warms.

"You first,"

"Ok, well I moved here about a month ago from California, originally to get a fresh start in life, also my best friends Erica and Isaac wanted to move here."

"I always loved California, do you surf? I tried once and freaked because I'm terrified of sharks."

He has a tendency to ramble, makes since because of his ADHD.

I smile down continuously stirring the soup. "Yeah I surf, I have since I was eight."

He just nodded his head, fidgeting with the hem of his skirt.

"Stiles you don't need to be worried, I won't judge."

Stiles looked up at me like I just read his mind, his doe eyes widened, "it's just... my parents never let me wear this stuff. Said it was for girls. But since they aren't here I didn't feel like pretending anymore."

"Stiles, you don't have to pretend around me I think it's cool, and clothes don't define genders, they are simply clothes."

He beams at me, this was the first time I can say I saw a real stiles stilinski smile, and it was stunning.

He jumped up and got out bowls and spoons, already a little happier.

After eating, in a semi awkward silence I got up to get stiles anxiety and anti depression meds from the locked cabinet.

Once I got one tablet of each I brought them to stiles, who groaned before taking them out of my hands.

"Ok open your mouth,"

"Derek I took them," he said sassily.

"I still have to check," it was required of me even if I believed him.

I lightly touched his chin, causing him to flinch. I tilted his head up slightly before he threw his head up and opened his mouth, staring into my eyes haughtily.


He stands up after I take our bowls to the sink.

"I'm tired so I'm going to go to bed, um thanks for the soup."

"Any time, good night stiles,"

His eyes softened from the partially sassy looks from earlier, "good night Derek."

With that I wondered in to my room.

Stiles left his door open, and I did to because he wasn't allowed to shut it at night or have a lock on his door.

- a few hours later

It was already 10:30 when I was laying in bed, with my lights off. I was trying and failing to fall asleep and I didn't know why.

That's when I heard stiles scream.

I felt a painful rush stab through me at that sound. I sprinted out of my bed stumbling until I was in his room flipping his lights on.

"No... please stop. Please stop!" Stiles was sobbing.

"Help, me please help."

When I moved to shake stiles awake he just thrashed at me hitting me in the chest, "don't touch me, don't touch me!"

"Stiles! Stiles wake up it's Derek, your safe!"

Stiles jolted awake trembling, and crying.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to wake you." He said looking away embarrassed.

It hurt to see him like this, he shouldn't be embarrassed for having a nightmare, I wanted to see him smile again.

"Hey it's ok, your ok," I say wiping away some tears before pulling him into a hug.

He cried into my neck, before finally falling asleep.

I lay stiles back down, covering him with his comforter and look at him.

He looks so peaceful when he's asleep, his dark, long eyelashes fluttering slightly. His lips turned upward in the corners.

I leave stiles after turning off his light and crawl in bed falling asleep.

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