Chapter 3: Strong and young, another successor

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A day had passed since the poisoning and the news had spread like wild fire, even outside the palace.

And the emperor summoned Princess Jennette, her maids, Princess Anthanasia, her maids, Duke Alpheus and some other nobles.

At the trial stand was the maid who was suspected to have planted the poison. Duke Alpheus, Miss Margarita who is Jennette’s aunt, and some other nobles were part of the jury.

While the High and Mighty Emperor Claude was the adjudicator. Then the investigator spoke up.

“Greetings to the Sun of the empire” He said while bowing to Claude. “We have investigated the girl and she claimed that she was sent by someone to poison the princess”

Yes, it was expected that there would be a mastermind. But who would want Jennette dead. She was lovely and kind towards everyone. The only person that would want Jennette dead, was someone envious of her and would want the throne.

“She claimed it was the doing of Princess Anthanasia”


Whispers and murmurs went through the small gathering. Everyone believed the words of the maid excluding Jennette and Lily.

Even her personal maids believed she was the culprit. Anthanasia looked up at the emperor to check if he was going to stop their glares and whispers, but he didn’t. He just sat there looking unconcerned at the jury.

'It’s time to let go of your false hope of him caring for you, He doesn’t even give you a second glance, so why should you have that hope of him caring for you'

Anthanasia hardened her heart and mind, and decided to speak up.

“What kind of rubbish are you people believing?” Everyone was shocked, was this the quiet, feeble and timid Princess Anthanasia!

“Her claim is utterly rubbish, sigh, I can’t believe how she’s already made these so called ‘best minds’ in the empire believe that crap. Now best minds in the empire, will your ‘best minds’ please tell me what ground are those accusations believable.

When she was escaping I was the one who pointed ordered for her to be captured.

Sure it may seem that I may want the throne for myself, but that wouldn’t make sense. I was never given the training to run the empire, and even if I did, I don’t have the assurance that I would be given the throne if Princess Jennette was dead”

Everyone took time to digest Anthanasia’s words, while some decided to turn them upside down. A man with white hair and golden eyes decided to speak. He was the cunning Duke Alpheus.

“But you being the mastermind is the most plausible scenario.

Even if you weren’t given the training for the responsibility of the crown, doesn’t mean you couldn’t be given after Princess Jennette’s death.

His majesty is still strong and young, his rule would be over twenty years. That is enough time to learn how to run the empire”

All the nobles agreed to the words of Duke Alpheus.

“Like I said Duke Alpheus, I don’t have an assurance.

If Princess Jennette died, doesn’t mean his majesty might not have another successor, just as you said, he is still strong and young.

His rule will be over twenty years, twenty years to groom the successor, straight from birth” Everyone in the hall was silent. The princess’s remark was an insult to the emperor. Strong and young, another successor.

I'm back from my long break.

Well I have good news, my exams are over and I’m on the holiday break AND the school didn’t give out term projects. Yeepee!

And here comes the sad news, today I just received the bombard of homework in my mail! Seriously, they didn’t need to make me that happy then mercilessly throw that joy away.

I was planning to update at least two times a week, but no, the school wants the students to faint from stress.

Anyways, I'll be updating from now on.
Bye for now ~ ❤

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