part 8: hot tub confessions

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the next morning you wake up before Quinton and walked downstairs, where everybody was.

you: good morning!

bryce's mom: good morning sweetheart!

you: so sad you guys are leaving today!

josh's mom: yes in a couple of minutes we have to leave, the flight is earlier now...

bryce's mom: So you and Bryce had fun last night huh? We could hear from our room.

bryce & you: WHAT?

bryce's mom: it's okay! i'm glad! I saw him left the room you are staying on after all the noises!


the night before

bryce's pov.

I walked to Quinton's room to see if he and hannah wanted something to eat since we where postmating when I opened the door bother them were sleeping, So i just left the room. I saw my mom coming out of the bathroom so I ran, I really wasn't in the mood for a lecture.

back to today

Bryce: uh yes mom you caught us..

you: i-

bryce's mom: i'm so glad! hope to see you on our family dinner!

josh: okayyy! look your uber is here! Guys you don't wanna be late.

     They kissed and hugged their moms and help them with their bags, then they came back inside.


Quinton: woah what's up i'm here -he said walking down the stairs-

bryce: if it wasn't me... WAIT

josh: you have a hickey and YOU have a hickey

blake: wait

jaden: did you guys...?

you: no

quinton: yes


quinton: sorry i feel under pressure

noah: are you 2 dating now?

you: no

quinton: sadly

you: shut up

bryce: WAIT who started it?

quinton: her



you: geez, look some things just turn me on so we all gonna shut up pretend you guys didn't knew anything and continue with our day, deal?

t/b: FINE you are so boring

you: i'm so glad you feel that way

you: ANYWAY in case y'all forgot AGAIN, i'm your assistant, what I have to do today?

bryce: so we are filming a hot tub confession video, and people want you in it if that's okay with you?

you: sure!

blake: I need you to get my card if you can at the bank, I need a new one.

you: okay done.

noah: and your not so secret party is tomorrow so you need some clothes or whatever.

jaden: and since they're moms crash in and we couldn't really take you to break feast

josh: we will take you to dinner

bryce: and quinton can get you dessert

you: BRYCE

quinton: i meaaannnn
bryce: at least he's not a virgin anymore

you: can you both shut up?

quinton: anyway um I need to go

bryce: where are you going?

quinton: uh i'm i  i need to do something, i'll be back for the video tho.

all of you: fine

      You went to pick up Blake's card and grab some lunch. You went back home and put the food and the table. Then you went to pick up a bathing suit for the video and walked down again.

video time yay

bryce: okay so you guys wanted really bad that Hannah to be on the video

josh: and until you don't cop the merch shop josh rich-


you: can I just come in?

blake: okay guys hannah is here

the boys all did ujuwujulu mockingly.

you: i'm leaving

t/b: we are kiddingggg

griffin: oky first question, oh dear god

noah: let me see that

noah: uh okay with how many people have y'all had sex with?

you: what type of questions are these?

quinton: 1

bryce: none i'm a virgin boy

you: can I just say I feel really uncomfortable right know?

bryce: just answer

you: fine 4
the rest of them answer
griffin: body counts

quinton: isn't that the same thing?

all of you: no

you: 2

josh: how the hell you have sex 4 times and only 2 body counts

you: you idiot cause I had sex 3 times with the same person

quinton: i-

you: why the hell are we talking about how we have sex, can we just continue please

         You guys finished doing the video and you went to Quinton's room to pick your stuff from the last 2 nights.

quinton: didn't you told me you where a virgin?

you: I said that?

quinton: yes...

you: i mean, it was my first time that I iniciate/wanted to do it.

quinton: what about the other times?

you: i did it to not loose that person, even so I was still really sad and in a toxic relationship.

quinton: i'm sorry, want help with that?

you: i'm good, thanks
      he gave you a forehead kiss and you went to your room. You took a shower and order a dress and swimsuit to express shipping so it would be here for tomorrow. Then you started getting ready for dinner.

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