chapter 2

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our first class of the year is potions, which i find quite boring, since we have snape as our teacher (for the second year in a row). luckily, me, fred and george are all in the same class, so they make it more interesting by starting arguments with snape and wasting time so we can do less work. of course, he doesn't like gryffindor so he would take points away for even breathing in a way he didn't like. overall, potions actually went okay and snape wasn't even that bad (but i knew this was only because it was the first day). 

unfortunately, lee isn't in any of my classes this year so i don't get to spend as much time with him, but we always catch up in the common room during free periods.

our next class was arithmancy, and not much happened because fred and george aren't taking it this year. it was kind of confusing though, so i guess i'll be doing more studying on that over the next few months (more than anything else at least).


after all my classes had ended, lee, fred, george and i hung out in the common room for a bit. there was no one else there, so you would expect it to be quiet, but it was the opposite.

"snape's hair is so greasy that i'm starting to think he's never washed it in his life!"

"fred! someone could hear you!" i say.

"oh relax y/n , whats the worst that could happen?" he replies.

"yeah y/n , stop being such a goodie two shoes!" george says.

"hey! i'm not that good." i say, smiling.

"oh yeah? have you ever gotten a detention?" lee chimes in.


"in two whole years of being at hogwarts , having us as your best friends, you've only gotten a detention twice?" george asks.

"maybe it could've been more than that, but i guess teachers just like me more than you guys." 

"sure." fred says, smiling mischeviously.

i laughed and went up to the girls dormitory to study.

after i had studied for about an hour, i went to bed thinking about the prank we were going to pull on snape the next day. 


"i'll throw in the stink bombs, lock the door and then we leg it."

i remember george saying this on the train as we were talking about our plan for today, and i knew it was going to be the best (even if we got a detention as a result, but none of us really cared much about that).

just before potions, me and fred put the stink bombs in snape's desk drawer while george made sure no one was watching. 

during class, me and the twins could barely keep in our excitement. we had the perfect chance to set the bombs off when snape had to quickly go outside the classroom and deal with some teacher thing. as soon as he left, we gave each other a look of agreement and immediately went to snape's drawer. there were three stink bombs there, so we could all set one off. i did the first, then george did one, and fred did the last. 

we threw them in each corner of the class and rushed back to our seats, acting like nothing happened. instantly, the classroom stank and we knew it was a success. snape came back soon after, and without hesitation he evacuated the class. we went into the corridors and laughed.

"we did it!" fred said , grinning happily.

"all thanks to you guys." i said, smiling proudly.

"it was your idea too, y/n!" george said to me.

"no it wasn't georgie - i was unconscious!" i laughed.

we did it. 


so this was my chapter! i hope you're enjoying the story so far :) 

-dasha <3

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