"Thank you. Your going to want your camera on you for the rest of today. We also wanted to know if you would do our engagement pictures tomorrow?" I staged the last sentence as a question. This seemed to peek their attention.

     "Engagement Mr. Potter?!" McGonagall asked eyebrows raised. Collin looked just as intrigued by this.

     "Yes, as of this morning Hermione Jean Granger and I are set to be married. We are thinking sometime after graduation, summer maybe. We haven't worked all of the details out." I pulled Mia closer to my side. McGonagall's jaw dropped and Colin's eyes were wide. Luna was scribbling furiously on her pad of paper, her toung sticking out slightly.

     "Congratulations the two of you." Minerva's Scottish accent slightly heavier than usual.

     "Thank you ma'am. Please keep this to yourself for now. We wanna surprise people. Yes, even the headmaster. No if, ands, or buts." She nodded and Collin snapped a picture.

     "I would love to! Harry, the Hogsmeade visit is still open for the students. Do you want to get a new outfit or 2 for tomorrow?" I smiled at his enthusiasm.

     "Me and Mia were just about to leave, would you and Luna like to come with us? We could so use the creative energy." He smiled and they both nodded. We set out, leaving a gobsmacked McGonagall behind.

     We didn't run into anyone in the halls, but the second we stepped out of the front doors their were eyes on us. I left my lordship rings on display and held my head high despite the wispers we could hear. The others stood tall and we quickly made our way to the gates and down the path to the small Wizarding village. Hedwig swooped down and landed on my shoulder and Mia took the letter attached. After a small affectionate nip to my ear she took back to the sky. Hermione opened the letter, read through it; then handed it to me.


      Thank you for notifying us of this. I can not thank Mr. Potter enough for protecting you. Your our entire world and we wouldn't know what to do if we lost you. Though we aren't exactly thrilled to have never met him. That is going to have to change if he's truly serious about marrying you.
     Mia, we love you dearly. We miss you so much. Harry is allowed to come for Christmas break so that we can meet him and judge the situation for ourselves.

                          Your loving parents,
                                            Dan and Emma

     I smiled, and nodded to her. Her eyes lit up as she said she would owl them after dinner. When we reached the town a few students were still milling about, but we ignored them. We split up to go different places, Colin with me and Luna with Mia. I slipped Mia a money pouch and, before she could refuse, I lead Colin off to the mens robe shop.

      I knew immediately that I didn't like anything on the racks lining the shop, so I made my way back to the man standing behind the counter. When he looked up and asked if he could help me, I made quick work of asking if he made things to order. He said yes so I showed him a picture of my father in an Indian style formal outfit. It was called an Indo Western Sherwani. The particular one he was wearing was black with Gryffindor red accents and slacks. I chose a navy blue with a more burgundy red accents and slacks. I chose a pair of black dragonhide boots to go with it. I then ordered an entire wardrobe and a few extra Sherwanis to be owl delivered later this next week.

 I then ordered an entire wardrobe and a few extra Sherwanis to be owl delivered later this next week

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