chapter 14

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    Soon after my arrival Remus, Peter, and Marlene showed up. Mr. and Mrs. Potter were overjoyed to have us and it felt like I was staying at a hotel. I had been to James's house a few times in the past and I'm amazed every time at the grandness of it, I had been given my own room to stay in and it was larger than my own at home.

    Despite the size of the house Sirius and I had been bumping into each other left and right. We had exchanged a few awkward words, but nothing more. 

    A couple of days into my stay we were all sitting around the large table in James's kitchen, eating breakfast when I noticed a large group of owls rushing towards the window. My mouth was full of food so I just pointed towards the window, hoping to get someone's attention.

    "Oi! Those must be our letters!" Sirius exclaimed, jumping from his chair to open the window. The seven owls flew into the room and one landed in front of each of us. We all grabbed our letters and ripped them open. Mine was just the usual list of supplies and my train ticket, but some of my friends had more exciting letters.

    "I've made Head Girl!" Lily practically shouted in excitement. We all congratulated her, except James who was gaping at the two badges that had fallen out of his envelope. The first was his quidditch captain badge which was expected of course. The second though was completely unexpected.

    "I- I've been named Head Boy." James looked as though he'd seen a ghost, Sirius burst out laughing and the rest of us just stared at James's shining badge.

    "I think Dumbledores' gone mad," Remus said with a chuckle.

   "He has definitely gone mad," Peter sniggered.

    "I was sure you would be picked Remus" Marlene remarked. James seemed to finally process his new title and was grinning at Lily.

    "You know what this means?" James paused dramatically. "Lily and I will be living together!" he winked at Lily, who blushed bright red. In contrast to Sirius and I, Lily and James's relationship had been going great.

    "Ah, those must be your letters!" We all turned to see Mrs. Potter enter the dining room. "We can visit Diagon Alley tomorrow!"


    We all collapsed onto the chairs and couches in James's living room. Our bags from Diagon Alley were scattered around the room. We had spent the whole day running all over buying school supplies, clothes, and other random things.

    "I never thought I would be sick of shopping," Marlene muttered, earning a laugh from the rest of us.

    We spent the rest of the night just relaxing and talking. Sirius, James, Marlene, and Peter had started an intense game of exploding snaps, while Remus, Lily, and I were quietly talking about the upcoming school year. There was a great uproar from James and Sirius, I looked over to see that Peter had won the game.

    "I'm going up to my room. Goodnight everyone!" Sirius said, pushing himself up from his chair, and walking up the stairs.

     Wait. His room? Despite having plenty of space, the marauders normally all shoved themselves into James's room, on the first floor.

    "Why did he say his room? Doesn't he normally just shares with James when he's here?" I asked Lily. Her smile turned to a small frown. 

    "You don't know?" She asked. I shook my head. 

    "Oh right, you guys aren't talking. Sirius has been here most of the summer. He hasn't told anyone what happened, but he showed up here the second week of summer, covered in bruises."

so in love with you // sirius blackHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin