CANDY/ bucket list

825 21 2

(U) prospective

"(U) (U) (UUU) WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP OR IM GETTING THE ICE WATER!" Toga smiles jumping up and down on my bed and a take the pillow of my face "what time is it toga?" I groan "it's 11:00!"(I wake up and 6:00-7:00) She smiles "see its to early now go back to sleep and leave me alone!" I say covering my face from the light using my blanket "but come on we half to ask Kurogiri about the list!" Toga smiles "*sigh* fine fine fine! Give me a few minutes to get dressed" I say groggily getting up out of bed and toga skips out of the room I get up and grab my close of my bed side table and walk to the door locking it I get changed and grab my knife of my bed (don't ask me why your knife is in your bed I keep a knife by mine too it gives you a sense of safety) I walk out the door and see toga waiting for me at the bar sitting infront of Kurogiri "we're's every one els did thay leave or something?" I ask "thay all went out bar hoping" toga says "AWWWW NO FAIR I WANNA GO!" I smile "they left a cuple hour's ago so I'm sure by now all the bars in the city are ether closed or gone" Kurogiri sigh's "heh you always keep em from killing each other so what happens when thair drunk and try to kill each other?" I ask sitting down next to toga "well last time it ending in Shigaraki and dabi having a slap of twice dancing and toga well toga........ she tryed to stab any thing that came in a 10 foot radius of her" he sigh's at the mere thought of the group getting drunk agin "what can I say I love blood!" Toga smiles "*sigh* so before everyone get's back what's the list?" Kurogiri ask's and toga hands him the list "here!"

Toga smiles handing him a neatly folded peace of paper he reads threw the list looking threw all of the items "I'm pretty sure I can convince everyone to join in on these thow I may have to stretch the throoth a little" "YOU REALLY THINK WE CAN DO ALL OF EM!?" Toga ask's him the biggest smile forming on her lips "yes and I'm sure we can make a cuple into mission's so it should also benefit the group" Kurogiri says "(U) HALLOWEEN IS COMING UP LETS DO THAT FIRST!" Toga smiles "that sounds fun who do we half to kill?" I ask making her smile "heh no Halloween is about controlling your self so you don't kill people and in return you get CANDY!" Toga smiles "really?....... no killing?" I ask "well........ I guess you could but if you do make sure to take the candy!" Toga says "hay Kurogiri me and (u) are gonna go out to find holloween stuff to put around the bass we won't be back till late tonight!" Toga smiles dragging me out of the bass and in town "so toga we're do we need to go first?" I ask her "LET'S GET CANDY FIRST!" She cheer's "ok ok we'll go get candy!" I smile and we walk into a sort of shopping mall "we'll be able to find everything we need here!" She smiles dragging me into a candy store and she runs around all over the place grabbing all the candy of the shelves leaving them barren "well take alllllll of this!" Toga smiles placing the tone of candy on the counter "and how will you be paying for this?" The cashier asks ringing up all the items "here.... will this dew?" Toga ask's taking out a gold brick from her purse "OH MY GOD TOGA THATS NOT HOW-" "ok your total is 219.00$ on the dot so that should cover your fee" the cashier says not even phased by THE FUCKING GOLD BRICK! "U-ummm ok?" I say picking up the 20 bags of candy and following toga all over the mall stoping at every candy store leaving nothing left not even thow's old boxes of expired candy in the corner "s-so toga wh-what els do...... we need?" I ask trying not the drop the 50 bags and boxes in my hands as she Cary's one small bag of her favorite candy's "well we have candy! Decorations, food and drinks and the pumpkin's and best of all candy! so all we have left are the costumes!" She smiles skipping towards a spirit store with a smile while I slowly follow behind her trying my best not to drop any thing suddenly the boxes blocking my face are lifted and taken out of my hands "hay I thought that was you what are you doing here doll?" Dabi ask's taking the boxes and some bags and twice and Shigaraki do the same "and what's with all the candy?" Dabi ask's looking threw the bags "heh long story toga took me out to get stuff for Halloween but it ended up being a trip to the mall buying them out of any evidence that candy may have ever existed here but what are you guy's doing here" i ask walking into the spirit store "we raided all the bars already" Shigaraki says "well that sounds fun but since you guy's are here you might as well pick out some costumes before toga chooses them for you" I smile and everyone splits up looking around the store exept for me a dabi who stand by the door watching everyone "so why are we doing this agin?" Dabi ask's "toga had me make a bucket list of things to do and celebrating Halloween was on it so she had me come here to help shop" I say watching as toga walks into the fake blood section with a smile "and do you want to do it?" Dabi ask's "eh I really don't care but it makes me happy seeing everyone els happy so I'm good with it. So are you not going to get a costume too?" I ask "naw im not really into the hole dress up thing what about you?" He asks "I wouldn't know what to we're" I sigh "HAY (U) COME HERE LOOK HOW REALISTIC THIS BLOOD LOOKS!" Toga smiles pointing to a bag of fake blood "WHITCH ONE DO YOU THINK LOOKS MORE BLOOD LIKE?" She asks smiling holding up two bags of identical blood "umm? I guess the one to the right?" I say "YAY THANKS I LIKED THAT ONE TOO!" She smiles "she can be a hand full sometimes" I sigh "(U) I FOUND THE PERFECTTTTT OUT FIT FOR YOU!" She smiles holding up a grim reaper costume making me laugh "HAHAH! I think it's a keeper toga!" I smile and she spins around looking all around the store "but I think she's worth it" I smile "huh" time skip we all walk into the bass each carrying about 20 bags of candy and 2 of what ever els toga grabed "oh my! what did you guy's do rob a children's birthday party?" Kurogiri ask's taking the bags from us placing them behind the bar table "toga? Care to explain?" He asks the smiling blond "CANDY!" She smiles running out side taking one of the bags of candy with her "heh she had fun" I smile taking a seat at the bar

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