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(u) prospective

"I'm boreddddddddd!!!" Toga whines as I'm sitting at the bar sat right next to her "why not go out in town for a bit" twice suggests "that wouldn't be very wise the big plan will be commencing soon so we shouldn't go into public" Kugiri says as he pours me a glass "there's nothing to do in town anyway..." Toga sighs and I shrug starting to polish some of my knives "we could go bar hopping!!" Twice says jumping into the conversation "no chance" Dabi says shooting me a warning before I can take up the offer and I chuckle "don't worry I'm gonna be out for today I'll see you guy's later" I wave getting up "huh? We're are you going??? Your leaving me!?!" Toga ask's as Dabi listens intently to our conversation "I'm just gonna go train toga you won't have any thing to do if you came with me go out with twice I bet you'd have a lot more fun hanging out with him" I say "your training?" Kugiri ask's "cores I am best way to keep in shape" I nod and Dabi walks over to me and past me "well c'mon then you said you were gonna train? I'm coming" Dabi says walking to the door "OoOoOoOoo!!! First date!" Toga giggles and my cheeks turn pink as I follow Dabi ignoring toga's comment

Dabi prospective

"We're are we going?" (u) questions after a minute of following me "you said you wanted to train there's a clearing over near the base" I say with my hands in my pockets "oh you train?" (u) ask's "of cores I do" I snap "haha! So the grate all mighty Dabi actually does have to train" (u) laughs before both of us get to the training spot "in all seriousness (u).... how do you think your gonna be able to handle the up and coming mission?" I ask looking back at (u) "what do you mean?" (u) questions "*sigh* you're used to one on one fights this is gonna be a lot different than that" I say 'I hate to underestimate her but there is a possibility...' I think counting to walk with (u) "I'm not helpless Dabi I'll be fine" (u) says "I didn't say you were helpless just not very experienced is all" I shrug "oh? I don't think you understand what I'm capable of~" (u) grins as we enter the small field and she skips ahead of me spinning on her heal so she's facing me "let's spar and see who's the best!" (u) snickers and I smirk "your on but I won't go easy on you" I say "never expected you to"

(u) prospective

"Any rules?" Dabi ask's "don't kill each other?" I shrug and Dabi chuckles "if one of us are pushed out side of the field then we lose" Dabi says and I nod "sounds fair" I say "alright no killing each other and no going out side the boundaries now rule number three" Dabi says seriously and my smile wavers for a second seeing the stern expression on his face "if your skin starts to burn we immediately stop and call the match a tie" Dabi says "fine but you also have to do the same" I say and Dabi nods agreeing "well then if that's settled! On your marks!" I announce locking my gaze on Dabi "Get set!... GO!!" I shout and both me and Dabi immediately start the match out with two simultaneous bursts of flame his blue flame mixes with my white creating a baby blue fire that sets blaze to the charred grass beneath us once the smoke clears enough to see I charge Dabi from behind I go to kick him but he turns just before I can dodging my attack i continue to pressure him throwing a few punches whitch he blocks but when he realizes I'm forcing him into a corner he creates a small flame just big enough to make me jump back giving him some wiggle room with that he immediately darts in my direction with his right arm enveloped in flames I try dodging by jumping over him but he grabs me by my ankle with his left hand pulling me down I land on the grass and quickly scramble to my feet before Dabi can pin me as I stand up I duck just bellow a kick to the head I just then punch Dabi's side making him jump back I pursue

Dabi prospective

After hours of training I finally see a small burn starting to form on (u)'s wrist "alright that's the match" I say just before (u) can pin me "hay! I was just about to win!!" (u) complains "yeah well you broke the second rule" I shrug pointing to the tiny burn on (u)'s wrist "c'mon! It's just a small burn!" (u) argues as I get up off the ground "we both set the rules we both agreed on the terms the match ends in a tie now let's go back it's getting pretty late any way" I say stretching my arms "fine I guess it is getting kinda dark out" (u) sighs as we start to make our way out of the base "hay Dabi I really never thanked you for looking after me so thanks I owe you" (u) says "don't mention it all in all it wasn't that bad" I say scratching my neck looking away from (u) and I hear her giggle a bit "hay Dabi look" (u) says pointing to the base and threw the window we both see a guy's back turned to us while he's talking to Shigaraki "who's that?" I ask as we continue to walk that way "not sure..." (u) mumbles and then the guy turns to face twice letting (u) and I see his face

(u) prospective

My eye's widen seeing a hero in our base I immediately sprint to the door and confused Dabi follows I swing the door open every one's attention turns to me and Dabi "hay (u)! Dabi! Look we'v got a new member in the-" I don't listen to any comments I shove the hero to the floor and in my right hand I activate my quirk creating a white flame and the hero freezes with wide eye's "why in the hell are you actually here?" I ask glaring down at the hero and everyone in the base goes into the defensive ready to use there quirks last second "I-I told them I'm h-here to join" the guy says and scowl and grab the hero's left arm with my right hand making a huge burn before u pull my hand away "lie to me agin and next'll be the throat" I warn "(u) this guy's trying to join! Don't kill him!" Twice says "oh yeah? And what's this guy's name?" I ask looking down at him "Akito senori" the hero says "wrong answer" I smirk lighting the hero a blaze and with in seconds he's nothing but ash "What in the hell (u)!!" Shigaraki snaps and Dabi sends him a glare as he comes up behind me pulling me off the floor still keeping his gaze on Shigaraki with a warning look in his eye's "that guy was a hero his name isn't Akito senori it's Aroba Metio his hero name is viper he can creat poison in liquid form so I suggest not drinking that shot Shigaraki" I say pointing to the glass of alcohol infront of Shigaraki "he gave it to you didnt he?" I question and Shigaraki grumbles pushing the shot away from him "wow (u) you know a lot about hero's!" Toga smiles

Dabi prospective

After every thing is handled I take a seat at the bar next to (u) and toga comes over to talk to her "I guess you could say I know everything about em" (u) shrugs "intresting did you find a leak in a hero agency by chance?" Kugiri ask's "nah people are unreliable I stole a file about all hero's and there quirks the idiots even filed the pro's weaknesses into that hard drive stole it from some major agency or somthing" (u) shrugs "how'd you manage that?" Shigaraki ask's "I just walked in and walked out those smiling idiots are too nice they let anyone in so it was easy for me to steal the file" (u) says "you still have it?" I ask "no it had a tracker in it so after looking it over I burnt them" (u) says "too bad" Kugiri sighs as he finishes polishing a glass and toga yawns "I'm tired" toga complains "then go to bed" I say

Time skip one hour
(u) prospective

"Well it's pretty late I'm gonna hit the sack" I say getting up from the bar "have a good night" Kugiri says as I'm the last one to leave the bar "you too" I wave and walk down the hall to my room but as I walk down the hall to my room I hear giggles coming from toga's room "what's up? Sounds like your having fun" I say knocking on the door "mind if I come In?" I ask "come in! Look what I found!!!" I hear toga chirp and I walk into her room to find her on the floor playing with some expensive looking knives that iv never seen before "oh wow! those are nice! were'd you get em?" I ask in aww checking out the knives "I found them! I killed some guy and he happened to have them on him" toga smiles "I think iv seen these before there rare and maid especially to make a person bleed to death if you hit an important artery there's no chance that they won't bleed out keep em they'll be useful to you" I say tossing the knife to toga as I get up walking to the door and she giggles "good night!!!" Toga beams "night toga" I wave walking to my room and i plop down on my bed letting out a sigh before I roll over on my side so I'm facing the window

Time skip 1 hour
Still (u) prospective

After an hour of trying to get to sleep I can't stop thinking about the upcoming attack and what all could go wrong the images popping into my head make me wanna hurl 'Alright fuck this' I grown getting out of bed And walking down the hall

Dabi prospective

I hear a light knock at my door and I glare "who the fuck is it!?" I shout "never mind sorry to bug you" I hear (u) say and I regret snapping at her as I sigh walking to the door "wait a sec hold up doll face" I say leaning aginst the door frame and (u) stops walking away looking back at me "so what's the matter (u)?" i ask and (u) diverts eye contact "I can't sleep..." (u) mumbles and my lips curve into a teasing smile "what was that?" Question "I... can't sleep..." (u) says a bit louder and I chuckle a bit walking back into my room leaving the door open for (u)

(u) prospective

I stand outside dabi's door stiffly as dabi's lying on his bed watching tv "why're you just standing there?" Dabi question's with his back turned to me "Can... I come in?" I ask "no" Dabi says "oh ok then" I sigh turning to leave "idiot of cores you can why do you think I left the door open?" Dabi ask's looking back over his shoulder at me with an amused look "Thanks..."

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