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On the night of prom, I finished curling my hair and applying my makeup by six. That left enough time for pictures with all of my friends before I went. Robert decided that he would be taking a girl named Olivia from his Psychology class, which I didn't mind at all. He said he was planning on asking her all along, but she was supposed to go with someone else. That someone else canceled on her and he asked her instead. I was happy for him.

So, that just left me by myself. Like I said, I didn't mind. Prom wasn't all about being with a guy, it was about having fun with your classmates for the last time. And besides, I wasn't going to go with someone I didn't want to go with. That would be stupid and pointless.

I had to be at Whitney's house by quarter after six for pictures, meaning I needed to leave my house immediately to make it in time. My parents wondered why I was even bothering in the first place because I didn't have a date, but I didn't care. That stuff didn't bother me.

Driving to Whitney's, I felt my heart beating in my chest at a fast pace. Because as much as I wanted to deny it, seeing Austin with someone else did bother me.

Once I arrived, I got out of the car and spotted Kyle, smiling happily when she waved at me. No matter how much I said she irritated me with her air-headed nature, I really did love her. She was one of my best friends. I gave her credit for putting up with Whitney for all that time because I knew I wouldn't have been able to.

"Hey, you look amazing!" I squealed, wrapping my arms around her tightly.

She hugged back, giggling softly. "Thanks, you do too!"

When I pulled back, I saw Tyler right by her. The last time I saw him was at the beach house when I snapped at Colton. It didn't feel too awkward because he really didn't know me, so I just went with it and said hi to him when Kyle re-introduced us. Looking around, I saw Alex with his date, Sarah. She had strawberry blonde hair and a dark green dress on. She was a very nice and smart girl-- someone I always pictured Alex to be with. He deserved someone great because he was such a great person overall. Moving my eyes more to the right, I saw Robert and Olivia. Her shoulder length brown hair was straight and her coral dress went very well with her tanned skin. She was nice too, but I didn't know her very well. Maybe after prom, I would.

Catching eyes with Robert, I smiled and waved and he did the same. Olivia was fixing his tie and noticed him wave, so she looked up at me and shot me a warm smile which I politely returned. My eyes shifted to the right a little more and I saw Whitney with a guy who was definitely older than her. I knew few things about him and when I found out about them, I knew that that I didn't want to associate myself with him because he was no good. He was into alcohol and drugs-- something I didn't care to be around ever.

And once I turned my head a little more, my eyes fell on someone I previously hoped I never came into contact with again. But when I saw him in that moment, I didn't feel like that. I had the feelings that I had weeks ago. My stomach hurt. My heart pounded. My hands sweated. My thoughts raced. I didn't expect to have those emotions at his appearance, but I also didn't expect him do be without a date like he was.

His hands were buried deep in the pockets of his black pants and his hair was perfectly messed. He wore a white button up shirt with a black tie, making me want him more than I ever had before. It was like he was a different person to me. He looked mature, which was something he was far from before. Turning his head, our eyes met. For some reason, I couldn't look away. It was like as much as I wanted to, I just couldn't. As much as it hurt my stomach, made my heart pound, made my hands sweat and my thoughts race, I couldn't stop looking at him. It was difficult to see his expression clearly from the distance I was at, but before I could get a chance to see, Whitney was yelling.

Stay Away From Juliet (Austin Mahone Love Story / Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now