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Her Two Marines-Montana Moments Book One.

Have you ever a story that ya just couldn't put down?  No matter the hickups or errors in the tale.  This is one of those tales. Anyone who has read more than four of my reviews knows what a stickler I am for good grammar and spelling.   This is one of those uber rare examples of a tale that makes me over look the grammar issues.  (I have been blocked by more than one author because of my grammar correction actions).  

I am going to warn ya the  use of there instead of their is prolific.  This is a very rough draft but the plot is amazing.  The warmth, depth, and richness of the story and it's characters make this a tale worth percivering though.  It is not a slow burn, it's an burner off and only rising a degree or two per chapter till you wonder if the water will evaporate before a boil begins.  This is a beach read not a pick up/put down.  

If your looking for a tale to read on that long bus ride or in the tub here it is, 9/10.  I would have given it a 10+ but the grammar is killing me.  Good luck and good reads.

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