It's already late in the evening, around 11am. She finds her eyes caught by a small cafe. She enters it, taking a seat in the back to avoid attention. She passes by two groups as her heels tap on the white tile floor. The first, a kid, almost an adult but not quite yet, sitting alone in one of the red padded booths.

The teen is a twig, only around 100 pounds tops. Underweight for his age, and short too. He has brown eyes that dart around the room like a cornered animal as he sips a cup of coffee. His brown hair is combed, but this does not match his nervous ticks. He taps his fingers on the table anxiously. He wears a black jacket that hides his small frame, is fair skinned, and grips something in his jacket pocket with intense aniexty on his eyes.

The second duo is much less conspicuous, two middle aged men talking about something. Carmen walks past then not giving it a second thought until...

"So the ships arrive tonight?" One inquires.

Carmen discreetly listens in as the other responds, "Yeah, so let's make this last sale and get the new load of goods. Ready to go?"

The duo leave.

"That isn't good," Player comments, "You gonna tail them? They could have info."

Carmen prepares to respond, before she notices the scrawny kid is gone and spots him out the window, tailing the two men.

"I think someone beat me to it," she replies before getting up and tailing the kid...

A teenager in a black jacket feels his heart pounding. Adrenaline flows through his brain as he grips a brass knuckle in his pocket.

"This is where the fun begins," a similar looking young man explains as he exits an alley and walls next to the teen.

"I don't do this for fun," the teen sighs to his doppelganger under his breath, "I do this because they're impure and must be purified."

"But you do enjoy it," the doppelganger reminds speaking at a normal volume.

"Shut up," the teens glares, not denying it in a hushed voice.

"Whatever," the doppelganger chuckles. "You heard what they said right?

The teen nods, "a shipment at the docks. Selling the good. They're impure, it's obvious."

"Then let's purify this town," the doppelganger laughs before ducking into an alley and disappearing. The two men he's tailing slip into an alley, the teen reveals a white hockey mask hidden under his jacket and puts it on, grabbing his brass knuckle as he grins maliciously.

Carmen watches as the teen she was tailing follows the two men down an alleyway.

"You get what he was saying?" Carmen inquires, "He was talking but I couldn't hear him."

"Yeah the drone picked it up," Player explains, revealing the drone to be following the young man close to the ground behind him. "But it was like I was only hearing half the conversation Red. Like he was talking to someone who isn't there. However he did mention those guys being impure, so he may be Purity, or one of his accomplices.

"He doesn't work alone then?" Carmen inquires.

"No he has a few known allies such as Sterile and Bleach," Player explains, "But there is one thing you should know if you're going in."

"What's that?" Carmen inquires, watching as the two men grab a bag of cocaine down the alley, hidden behind a loose brick.

"Well, some authorities beleive that the vigilante is suffering from schizophrenia. A mental illness that stems from genetics or sometimes trauma, but usually a mix of both components. People with it have a tendency to see and hear things that aren't real. Feel such things too."

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