Izuku also didn't comment or dwell on the fact that Aizawa's contact is labeled as 'Dad' in Shinsou's phone.

"Hold up" Sero said, "Is he missing, or is, is phone missing?" his asked with a nervous waver in his voice. "I don't know" Shinsou admitted.

"Then let's go find him! And turn these damn lights off!" Katsuki exclaimed. "No, we can't just rush into things" Shoto said, not flinching when Katsuki glared at him.

"He's right Kacchan, we can't just leave the building, what if we get into the Pro's way?" Katsuki scoffed but quieted down when he realized the smaller male was in fact, correct with his logic.

"Anyone who doesn't have the cell phones, go and get them, just in case Mr. Aizawa tries to contact you!" Iida ordered.

Izuku and Ura rushed back to Izuku's room, Shoto had luckily brought his down with him. Once in the room, Izuku and Ura grabbed them off the bed and Izuku stopped to try to catch his breath.

"Deku" Ura placed her hand on his shoulder, "Let's walk back instead of running". Izuku nodded, following her back to the elevator. The elevator doors opened, revealing Kaminari and Shinsou. "Hey, Mido" Shinsou stepped over, giving more room for the duo.

When they got back to the common room, there seemed to be a fight about to break out. The rest of the class surrounded the people, so none of them could tell who.

"Midoriya" Shoji called out to him, turning to face him. "What's going on?" Izuku asked, noticing the looks that others were giving him.

"Before anyone says anything, I want to say this. No matter what others say, you're a real man" Izuku was glad to hear that but confused.

"Keep your transphobic, homophobic ass away from us!" He heard Katsuki yelling. The blonde was being held back by Kirishima, Shoto, and Mina. Though they were struggling.

"Mineta" Izuku gasped at the sight of his classmate. He was beaten and bruised, burn marks scarred the boy's skin. He couldn't tell if the classmate was dead or not. And a small part of him didn't actually care either way.

"Deku" Ura pulled him towards her, putting him in between the raging Katsuki and her, preparing for the worst. "Everyone now knows about" Iida sighed, pushing up his glasses, "Those who were thinking it, it's now been confirmed".

"Anyone else has problem with it! I'll kill you!" Izuku knew that no matter how much shit Katsuki says, he'll be supportive of his transition to the end.

"But we still have a missing Mr. Aizawa problem to deal with" Kaminari pointed out, which Shinsou had his arm wrapped around his shoulders.

The blaring red lights shut off, leaving them in complete darkness.

The door harshly swung open, hitting the wall behind it. A figure limped through the door, hissing with each step.

Students got ready for an attack, all thoughts of Mineta let their minds.

"Mr. Aizawa!" They exclaimed in unison, which covered up Shinsou saying "Dad!".

The lights came back on as the pro flipped the switch, revealing the bruised and tired looking hero. "Thanks goodness you're all okay" He said, but froze when he saw Mineta, which he just shook his head, internally groaning when he thought about the amount of paperwork this would cause.

"Are you okay?" Izuku asked, helping Aizawa to sit on one of the many chairs that surrounded the dining table. "Not really" Aizawa groaned, the ache setting in a bit more.

"I'm going to call Da-" Izuku quickly cut himself off, "All Might, I mean All Might, and let him know you're here" he ran out of the room, hearing the light giggles at his slip-up.

"Can anyone explain what happened to?" Aizawa gestured to Mineta's body, which he still happened to be alive, but would need medical attention. "He's a bigot!" Katsuki exclaimed, but Aizawa just glanced over at Mina, who explained with more details.

"Mineta, during all the chaos of you being missing, said some off-topic commenting about Midoriya 'pretending' to be a male. Which Katsuki then wreck his shit" Mina explained, "Some were confused about what the purple-shit meant and he went on to state to everyone about Midoriya being transgender, and it seems that Mineta the only one with a problem".

Aizawa sighed, looking back over to Mineta. "He'll be expelled, but Bakugou; you'll be given three days house-arrest, but that'll be after this house arrest is finished with" Aizawa stated but turned to look at Izuku as he came back into the room.

"He said he'd be here soon with a team to help with medical and searching the area"


About twenty minutes later, the team of heroes arrived at the dorm building. All Might, Present Mic, Midnight, Nezu, and Recovery Girl all sat at the table, Recovery Girl tending to Aizawa's wounds, leaving Mineta to the ambulance for treatment.

Students of Class 1-A were told to stay in the commons, but they could spread out and go to sleep if they'd like to. Izuku sat with Shinsou and Kaminari, off to the side as the other two pulled Izuku to the side for a private conversation.

"Kaminari and I wanted you to be the first to know about this" Shinsou started, talking in a hush voice. "We're" Kaminari started, grabbing Shinsou's hand, "Dating" Shinsou finished.

"Holy smokes!" Izuku hugged his friends, both at the same time, and they hugged him back. "I'm so happy for you two" Izuku gushed, pulling back from the hug, "Please keep it on the down low for the moment" Kami leaned his head against his boyfriend's shoulder.

"You two are too cute!"

"Mido! Please, you're volume!"




Hopefully the length makes up for the wait! 

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2020 ⏰

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