Just Rumours

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Rumours spread through the school like a wildfire. 

"Apparently she slept with another guy when she was dating Ben. What a slut."

"I can't believe Ben slummed it with a villain like her. And now a baby out of wedlock?"

"I heard she cheated on Ben with that Pirate scum."

Mal's friends had rushed to meet her at her position outside the cafeteria, drowning her with questions. Mal eyes flicked up to look at the group surrounding her. 

"Mal," Jay mummured cautiously, "Where's Hook?"

"He's gone," Mal croaked out, before the tears began to stream down her face, "He thinks its Ben's kid," She sobbed,  gasping for air, "I- I need to go find him I-  he needs to know-" she began hyperventilating, her knees giving out beneath her. Jay rushed and caught her before she could hit the ground.

"Come on Mal, you need some rest." Evie said, taking Mal's arm and leading her towards their dorm, "Jay and Carlos can go find him for you. You and the baby need to sleep."
Evie directed her eyes at the two boys, commanding them to move immediately. "Go!" She mouthed before her attention flew back to Mal.

Sobs wracked Mal's body as she was led to the dorm. She felt Evie pull off her blazer and shoes before tucking her in bed. "Go to sleep, M. I'll wake you when your ready." She brushed the hairs from Mal's forehead and placed a soft kiss against her pale skin as Mal's eyelids drooped closed.

Jay and Carlos had decided to split from each other to cover more ground.  After an intense game of rock, paper, scissors, Jay took the school while Carlos was sent to look around the fields and forests that bordered Auradon.

Cursing out Jay as the wind whipped around him, Carlos trudged up and down the slightly marshy school fields, searching for the pirate. He had been about to give up and head back to the warmth of the school when an idea struck him. It was so obvious he wondered why he hadn't thought of it before. Picking up his pace, he began to run towards the coast.

Surely enough, as he reached a small bay that ran along the outskirts of Auradon Prep he saw the pirate with his knees pulled to his chest as he watched the slow, steady rhythm of the waves crashing onto the sandy shore. Carlos approached Harry, sitting down next to him, unbothered to announce his presence. Harry merely glanced Carlos' way before he fixed his eyes back on the soft sway of the water.

"I'm not in the mood for ye shit right now, De Vil," Harry grunted as he let his calloused fingertips graze the sharp point of his hook, still refusing to give the smaller boy his full attention.

"I honestly couldn't care any less," Carlos grumbled from next to the brooding pirate. "You need to listen so I don't have to watch you mope about for another few weeks."

Harry scoffed, "What makes you thinks -"

"Shut up for 5 seconds, Hook," Carlos cut him off before continuing, "I don't think you actually understand what's actually going on here. It might be a bit hard to grasp-"

With that Harry's head snapped towards Carlos, the look in his eye veering on dangerous as he glared holes into Carlos's skull, making the boy flinch back slightly. "I don't need your condescending bullshit, De Vil?" 

Carlos let a small gulp force its way down his throat before continuing, "No. what I'm sayin-"

But Harry barely let him get a word in, "She's a liar plain and simple. She lied about coming back for me, she lied about loving me and she didn't tell me she'd gone and fucked the king of Auradon and -"

Carlos finally let his frustration with Harry get to him, "She's 4 months along, Hook!" He snapped, whipping his head around to stare right back at the look of bewilderment plastered on Harry's rough features.

"W- So? What are you saying, De Vil?" He breathed, his eyes finally meeting Carlos'.

 Carlos rolled his eyes, "I'm saying that we haven't even been in Auradon 4 months," He huffed out a small breath as the pirate still struggled to fully understand what he was saying, "Mal was pregnant before we even got here, before she turned her mom into a lizard and before she met Ben."

Harry felt all the air leave his lungs as he processed what the smaller boy before him was saying. 

Well fuck.

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