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A rapid knock sounded from the large oak door that led into Ben's office. Ben's head snapped up from the desk where he'd been resting his forehead, seemingly done with his royal duties for the day. He had been filling out random paperwork all day and had missed all his classes after lunch. He brushed his shirt down, flattening down the minor wrinkles and clearing his throat before calling for the person to come in.

Before he'd finished speaking Audrey stormed into his office, not bothering to shut the door behind her. Ben stood in bewilderment as the petite girl stood before him, frowning.

"Audrey, what are yo-" 

Once again Audrey cut him off, "Ben, please. Enough with the dramatics. How could you?" She cried letting her arms fold in front of her chest.

"I have no idea what you're talking about right now, Audrey," Ben said, pinching the bridge of his nose, already fed up with her antics.

"You mean, you don't know? I'm surprised, really. I thought she would at least have told you by now," Audrey said, feigning confusion. 

"What? Who? Told me what?" Ben inquired, suddenly exceedingly intrigued. A frown graced his features as he racked his brain to try and figure out what the girl could be talking about.

"Oh? You really don't know. Well... It's really not my business. I should be going. I don't want to betray Mal like that," Audrey said standing up and turning to leave, brushing the door with her fingertips as she left his office.

Ben stood suddenly and called out to her, "No! Wait. Sit down. What about Mal? Did something happen?" Audrey smirked before her face contorted back into a vision of innocence. She slowly shut the door, before turning and sitting back in the chair opposite where ben stood.

"Well, I do suppose it is your right to know. You might want to sit down, BennyBoo," Audrey said, smiling up at him.

"What is this about?" Ben asked, lowering himself into his desk chair, "Just tell me, already."

Audrey paused, taking in a deep breathe. She basked in her moment. Finally getting back at Mal for stealing her happy ending. Her eyes locked with Ben's before unleashing Pandora's box.

Fairy Godmother was walking Mal back to her dorm after a doctor's appointment. Evie had begged FG to let her go but she had said no, reminding Evie of her test on the History of Good and Evil, telling her that as admirable as it was, that it was not a necessity that she attend the appointment as well. Evie had finally given up when FG had threatened to not let her go to another appointment again.

Mal had taken the morning off school to relax before her appointment after lunch when FG had picked her up and driven her to the doctor's office. As the cool gel was rubbed across Mal's stomach and the image of her baby came up on the screen, all she could do was wish their father could be here to share the intimate moment with her.

When they finally reached the dorm, FG bid Mal goodbye and turned to leave, "Fairy Godmother, wait!" Mal called, stopping the woman in her tracks.

"Yes, Mal? What is it, my dear?" Fairy Godmother asked, tilting her head in confusion.

Mal ran up and hugged the woman, taking her breath away. Mal had never been a touchy person so the sudden ambush of contact stunned the woman for many moments.

"I just wanted to say thank you. For everything," Mal said, breaking the embrace and looking at the usually jovial woman.

"You're very welcome, my dear. Now off you pop. Go get some rest." FG said, returning Mal's soft grin.

Bad Romance { Mal x Harry }Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu