12.0: Trouble and Solutions

Start from the beginning

Rossi chuckled, "I don't think that'd stop her, if she does say something to you personally come find me kid and we'll sort it out." Crystal just smiled, "Thanks Rossi, but I'm sure things won't have to get to that point."

At least I hope they don't.


Once the jet landed the team split up, Rossi was driving while JJ was riding shot gun and Crystal was in the backseat. They were on their way to the Lamb's house first and then to the Lee's, when they arrived there were reporters outside the house.

"Agents can you comment on who you suspect?"

"Are there any suspects in custody right now?"

"Why wasn't Abigail reported missing?"

They ignored their questions with just responding 'no comment' as they made their way towards the door, one of the reporters must have been agitated. "The least you could do for the city is comment on what's going on." Rossi turn to the reporter, "No, the least you could do for this family is let them mourn the loss of their daughter. This isn't a light subject, we have nothing to comment about."

JJ rang the doorbell as Rossi joined them, Crystal smiled at him. "Reporters will do anything for a story."

"No kidding, even if it means being cruel to a mourning family."

A woman came to open the door, "For the last time we don't want to give an interview for your whatever o'clock news!" Crystal showed her badge, "We're with the FBI ma'am, I'm SSA Archer and this is SSA Rossi and Jareau. We came to help you find out who did this to your daughter."

The woman stared at them before opening the door for them to enter, "Sorry, they've been bothering us since last night." She motioned them to the living room to sit down, "Rick's with his mother upstairs, she's still not feeling good. We also...aren't on the best terms right now."

Rossi looked over at her, "Don't blame yourselves, you did nothing wrong."

"I'd like to believe that, we both are just needing a breather right now"

JJ was looking around the room with pictures of Abigail, "How long was she doing ballet?"

"Ever since she was 4 years old, she loved dancing. Abby was really talented, she is-" Mrs. Lamb cleared her throat, "She was going to have a solo part in the next recital, she was practicing so hard for it."

Crystal gave her a smile, "Mrs. Lamb, was there anything that you noticed before you left that would make you worried?"

"No, me and my husband wouldn't have left last week if we suspected something was wrong." She swallowed, "We went on our business trip a bit early so that we could go watch her perform, we have our own business. We remodel, build, and design houses. We had this client in Kansas who was originally scheduled in 2 weeks, but we were able to see him earlier."

Mrs. Lamb's put her head in her hands, "We were supposed to be home Monday, we would've been gone for only two more days. We shouldn't have left her alone, we-" Mrs. Lamb couldn't finish her sentence as she let out a sob, Rossi stood up to go take the seat next to her.

"I can't imagine what you're going through, we're sorry for your lost. Do you wanna take a breather before we ask anymore questions?" Mrs. Lamb shook her head and cleared her throat, "No, I want to help you find the monster who did this. Ask me anything, anything at all."

Crystal cleared her throat, "Last night the body of Bailey Lee was found at a gas station, we understand that they were in the same class?"

"Yes that's correct, she was doing the solo with Abby" JJ raised an eyebrow at this, "They both were? I thought it was a solo?"

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