Kuroo Route:|Ch.2

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"You mean to tell me, Kenma, that you knew we were dangerously drunk but you DIDN'T SAY ANYTHING TO STOP US FROM SIGNING A MARRIAGE CERTIFICATE!"


"I-I did...but...I thought...you.....wouldn't mind!" Kenma protested, in the loudest voice he could muster. It was not, in fact, loud at all.

"You thought we wouldn't mind getting married in a drunk reverie?" Akari crossed her arms in disappointment.

She and Kuroo had refused to look at each other in the last hour after finding out that they both truly did sign their names on that piece of paper that was now determined to ruin their lives. So they had decided to come to speak to Kenma about it, so he could convince them that it hadn't happened.

It was not working, as you can see.

Kuroo sighed.

"What do we do now? Get a divorce?"

"That could take months to sort out."

"So we stayed married to each other. Kittycat, I would love to be married to you but not exactly like this. This was not what I had in mind."

Akari brushed off his comment about wanting to marry her.

"Technically, you are married to her."



"We could just leave it for now. Take some time to think and then figure out what we want to do when our minds are clearer."

"I don't think we have any other choice right now unless Kenma has a- never mind, the last time Kenma had a better idea was when he let us get married whilst we were drinking."

"Okay, I'll take my leave now. I'll see you both......another day."

"B-bye, Akari," Kuroo's voice was awkwardly higher pitched as he said her actual name rather than 'Kittycat'. Akari realised that she and Kuroo could never really have a normal relationship again, as friends.

Friends didn't have marriage certificates hidden away.



"There there~" Sugawara's voice rang in Akari's ear. Here was another familiar scene that Akari remembered very clearly as it had been how Suga's personality had been formed in her mind.

Her head was over the toilet bowl, Sugawara was holding her hair back whilst rubbing her back gently. Again, she was throwing up in front of Sugawara.

"You good?"

Akari nodded meekly. Sugawara pulled her up and she went to her sink to wash her face. 

"Do you know why you've been getting morning sickness so often?"

Akari froze. She stared at Suga through her mirror and waited as she saw the cogs working in his brain. Clearing her throat, she moved to dry her face when it was tugged out of her hand.


"Pshhhh! No, of course not."

"Your voice just went up by at least 40 decibels."

"........It dId nOt!"

"You just did it again!"

Akari stormed out of the bathroom, trying her best to avoid Sugawara's questioning gaze. Suga was the one person she could trust with this information- welllllll......maybe not?

Karasuno's Ace Of Hearts ♡♡♡ (Haikyuu x OC)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang