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In this cruel world, everyone has their own problem, and by that, everyone does has their limit.

For some people, they will hope that another day, everything will be better, tomorrow will be fine, and those positive thinking along with supportive environment.

But for another people, they will lose their hope for another day to come, they will think everything can't be better, everything is done and they can't wait until tomorrow, they wanna end everything at once right away.

In another words, they want to end their lives.

Choi Soobin, the rich kid who'd been suffering from bullying, lack of parents attention, shy and introverted, was one of that kind of people with that mindset, he thought everything was done and nothing in this life could make everything change in a good way for him. It was just impossible, he'd done enough for 20 years of his life.

By that long live suffer, he did attemped for suicide a numerous times. Hung on the rope, drown in the bath tub or swimming pool, even cut his wrist, he did many kind of suicide attempts for this two years- he couldn't help that his college life was way more suck and the bullying got worst.

But something caught his attention everytime he did suicide attemps. Not really 'something', he always saw this certain 'someone' if he could say that. It looked like human, but human didn't have things like wings or bloody red eyes. It wasn't a common thing for a human kind, right?

Something that made him certain it wasn't human was, when he drown himself at his bathtub. He swore there was no one in his room, that would absolutely no one in his bathroom. But that 'someone' was there, looking at him with stoic face, in front of the mirror of his bathroom.

Soobin didn't realize, that 'someone' who always watched him everytime he attempted a suicide didn't have a reflection...

That 'someone', was literally not a human. He was the soul who got punished by God, or we should called him, Grim Reaper.

No one believe that they were existed. No one, until they died from suicide and their soul got dragged with one of them, because they did suicide and by that, they got a punishment to become a grim reaper.

Yes, you read that right. The soul who died because of suicide will be guide by a grim reaper to the god, make the soul to become a grim reaper as well.

The grim reaper is a trapped soul between life and nirvana, the place with eternal happiness that everyone, every kind of living creatures, is yearning for.

To go to the nirvana, the grim reaper have given a mission, to guide a certain amount of suicide souls to god and make them become a grim reaper. After they accomplish their mission, they can go to nirvana along with the soul who died because of anything but suicide.

It sounds easy, right? But no, when I said a certain amount of suicide souls, it could take max 100 years, because anything could happen to speed up or slow down the certain soul to die from suicide, just like Soobin.

Choi Yeonjun, the grim reaper who was in charge for guiding Soobin's soul, was at his limitation of time because of him. Yes, Soobin was the last soul that he should guide, and after that, he could go to nirvana. He almost accomplished his mission, almost, after 99 years of guiding the suicide soul, he just had to guide this last one, but he didn't know that this last one was taking too long, two fucking years and Yeonjun couldn't wait any longer.

If you wanna know why Yeonjun could become a grim reaper, it was indeed because he did a suicide. Why? He was the one guy who just like Soobin. The difference, Yeonjun was one of the latter king's son of that country in history, he was the prince, the second prince to be exact.

He had lack of affection, and he had no friends because of his social status. He studied everyday, just to show his parents that he could be a trusted one, that they could rely on him, just like they did to his older brother, who would absolutely be the heir of the throne.

But all of Yeonjun had done wasn't enough for them. They still compared him with his brother, never even once praised him for what he got, they would just treated him like he wasn't exist on this world. No one could hear him, no one who would hear him out.

After that tiring life, he ended his life by suicide, drown his self to the pond on their palace, when he was 21. His suicide stated as homicide, and the palace covered it up immediately, just to not cause any rumour about the royal family, no one knows that Yeonjun had suicide except the royal family and that was because not much people outside the palace knew he existed.

And yeah, this was tiring him. Two years watching this kid trying to end his life, and always failed. Rope got cut because of his body weight, got caught when he was drowning his self on swimming pool, or the bathtub plug broke while he drown his self on the bathtub. Even the simplest way, when he wanted to cut his wrist with a scissors, when the sharp side almost cut the vein on his left hand, there was someone who broke in to his room and made everything failed again.

Yeonjun was awared that the kid could see him. It just a brief moment when the soul who still alive can see grim reaper, and it is when they did suicide and in the edge of their life. But Soobin did it many times, almost died numerous times, too many that even Yeonjun and Soobin couldn't count it with their fingers.

Now, Yeonjun couldn't wait for any longer. He was almost on his limitation of time. He should guided Soobin's soul immediately, Soobin should die in this last month of his limitation of time, or he would face a punishment that suicide soul would never wanted it to be happened -even though the god didn't tell him or any grim reaper what kind of punishment was that,

and Soobin was eager too, he was so fed up and he swore he should end his life now, far from anyone or anything that could made him failed again.

They believed this was the last time...


The prologue is here! Feel free to ask anything

The Grim Reaper | YeonbinOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora