Chapter 23 - Party All The Time

Start from the beginning

I knock the door and smile when I see that Jake was the one who answered

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I knock the door and smile when I see that Jake was the one who answered. I walk forward and ruffle his hair, "Hey, Champ, everyone ready?" 

Jake groaned, leading me to the living room, "No, only me and Bridget and you are ready. Liz, why is it that stems and studs are always first to get dressed and the fems always take ages?" 

I see Bridget's eyes widen as she spits out the water she was drinking. I could help but laugh at the whole situation. 

"Where the hell did you learn that, Champ?" I asked, laughing hard, leaning against the back of the sofa for support, my hand grasping at my stomach. 

"What? It's what Jack told me. I was asking about lesbians." Jake answered, truly not understanding why I was nearly wetting myself. 

"What on earth is going on here?" Claire asked as she entered the room. She looked around to see her son looking confused, Bridget cleaning the floor and sofa and me still laughing. 

"I think we should just all forget what happened and go to dinner." Bridget said, standing by Claire, I see her arm disappear the dark haired woman, I raise an eyebrow, knowing exactly where it went. 

Claire called for Jade to hurry, I told them to get into the car and I will get Jade and meet them at the restaurant, I turned around when I saw her at the top of the stairs. My eyes went wide and my mouth very dry. 

I clear my throat, when she finally got down the stairs and stood in front of me, smirk on her face

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I clear my throat, when she finally got down the stairs and stood in front of me, smirk on her face. 

"Let's get going, before I devour you." I groan slightly, taking her hand and pulling her to my car. 


After a fun and loud dinner in the restaurant, me and Jade were stood by the car, waving goodbye to Claire, Bridget and Jake. Though I did tell Bridget when we were alone not to let Claire get to loud as they still had a child in the house which she responded with 'Same to you as well.' 

I take Jade's hand and open the passenger seat door open for her, once she got in, I closed the door and went to the drivers side. Luckily I had no qualms in getting into another car and riving it, the only thing that killed me was the fact I could not keep or restore my baby, that I built with my dad. She was too bashed up from the crash. My mom and dad persuaded me to get another car but it had to be a four by four so here I am with a BMW X5.

Edge Of Seventeen (Jade West)Where stories live. Discover now