35 - Denial (irl)

Start from the beginning

Breakfast was filled with silence. Although, it wasn't the awkward kind. It was more comforting actually.

They fixed up their plates in one pile as they drank their coffee.

Until Shirabu decided to speak up.

"We're leaving tonight, right?"


"have you packed?"


"Well fuck neither have I"

They both kind of laughed it off, they agreed to help each other pack anyway so after they fixed the table, they went back into Shirabu's room.

"Shirabu trust me you don't need a fucking jacket for Christ's sake"

"You never know, plus unless you want me to steal another batch of your hoodies, I suggest you put down mine."

"You won't be that cold for God's sake, trust me I've been there"

"I could be."

"If that ever happens I could always warm you up~"

Semi winked at Shirabu with his last comment.

Shirabu simply rolled his eyes and huffed, trying to hide the slightly prominent blush on his cheeks.

"I'm stealing your hoodies if I ever get cold, okay?"

"Yeah yeah whatever"

When they finished packing Shirabu's things--Which took about 2 hours because of all their bickering--they headed off to Semi's, about a 15 walk or so from Shirabu's.

They actually ran into Taichi on the way, claiming to be heading to Shirabu's to give him some money he owed him for whatever reason.

Taichi was dragged over to Semi's against his will, Their excuse was so that 'They could get to the meeting place all together'.

When they got to Semi's house Shirabu could've sworn that day was the day Satan was out to get him.

First of all, Semi somehow managed to get into his window on the 4th fucking floor of his apartment building.

Second, he ran into his whore of a best friend--or at least that's that's what he refers to Taichi as.

Third, he has to run into bowl-cut brat? Today must be the devil's day.

Shirabu sighed, He reluctantly waved at Goshiki while asking him why he was in front of Semi's house anyway.

"Tendou-san wanted me to return this to Semi-san!" Goshiki said cheerfully as he handed Semi a manga book.

Semi took it and invited Goshiki into his house.

Shirabu walked in first as he plopped down on the couch, turning on the TV like it was his place.

Taichi plopping down after him. Semi rolled his eyes and scoffed.

"I thought you would help me pack?"

"Oh yeah..I forgot to tell you. It just occurred to me that I.don't.care."

"I helped you pack!"

"Get Goshiki to help you, he'd be more than happy to I'm sure."

Semi looked over to Goshiki as he nodded his head in excitement. Semi smiled lightly and left the two 2nd years in the living room as he lead Goshiki to his bedroom.

~Time skip~

Taichi was on his phone now, while Shirabu was staring up at the ceiling. The movie 'Frozen' playing on the TV.

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