Marry (2)

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Jennie's POV

"I don't know unnie. It feels like a part of me is missing. I feel so empty. I thought after our marriage I can be finally happy. But no, he comes home late, he's busy with the company. We rarely spend time with each other. It looks like he love his work more than his wife." I cried as she listens to my rant. She just look at me with pity.

"You know Jennie, sometimes you have to let go of someone for them to be able to see your value. If he gave all his time in his works rather than you then give him that time. Let him miss you. Sometimes when you're always available, they take you for granted because they think you'll always stay. But is that what you really desire? Is that what your heart really desire? Ever since you talked to me about that Lisa girl, you're not yourself anymore. Is it him that you really missed or that Lisa? Jennie make up your mind 'cause one mistake can lead you to lose someone who can give you their world and not only about money. Don't be too blind about love and temporary happiness. I hope you know that" She said as she begin to stand up. Her words is like a knives of truth and it hits me like a truck. I begin to think of all the times I'm with Lisa. She made me happy effortlessly. She taught me how to love but I'm to blind to see hers. Not like Kai who buys me nice clothes and jewelries... It doesn't really make me happy. It feels like he's buying my love and I've been to gullible not to see that.

"I really don't know unnie... I'm married but I'm missing someone I shouldn't. It'll be unfair to him if I choose her now." I defended my love for Kai. But is it really love or just the fear of being judged by people?

"If you miss that person while married to a man it means you're not truely devoted to him. You can't miss someone and be with a man at the same time. Jennie don't be selfish. You're not only hurting the people around you but you're breaking yourself also. You need to make a decision because lost chances will never come back if you're too late. I hope you have the courage to walk away from anyone that makes you feel like you are hard to love." With that Jisoo leaves me alone in this huge house. I just cried because I know she's right and I can't even defend myself. But what's there to defend? It's clear what Kai and I have is just a fake love.

An hour crying in this sofa I heard someone open the door. I quickly wiped my tears and make a fake smile. There I saw my husband. It looks like he haven't seen me yet so I decided to talk.

"Hi love! I made you dinner. Wanna eat? Come take a seat. I'll set the food for you." I greeted as I hugged him. He just pushed me away and dropped his bag.

"Don't bother because I'm not hungry. And stop being so clingy, I'm too tired for this." He said as he took of his coat and necktie. But before he headed upstairs I said something that made him stop in his tracks.

"I'm tired of this. You're like this everyday! What? Can't I greet my husband? Can't I cook for my husband? You're always work! Work here! Work there! You never even bother to ask how was my day! It's like I'm just nothing to you!" I screamed and break down. I've been too fed up with his shits and I can't bear it anymore.

"Well if you're so 'tired' with me then let's get a divorce!" He shouted at me and I just looked at him in shock. What did he say? Did I heard it right?

"Fuck you!" I said as I took off my ring and run out of the house. I just let my foot go wherever it leads me.

Third Person's POV

Kai sighed and rubbed his temples as he just watched his wife run out of his sight. He started to go to his room but the ring caught his sight.

'This ring was really never meant for you' He thought as he gripped the ring thinking of the person he truly loves.

JenLisa Oneshots (Book Of Randomness Mostly Angst)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant