Chapter 2: Rumors and Savings

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Kion's POV

     I had just woke up, looked around the den where I slept and almost every lion and lioness was asleep besides my father and mother who took there morning strolls at this time. As usual, I was the first cub awake and walked out of the den. I always loved the warmness of the sun when I had woken up and being able to stand at the top of Priderock and enjoy it, alone, no one to bother me, just to be by myself, doing what I love, sadly this morning wasn't the case.

"Good morning your majesty" I heard a familiar voice come from behind me and it was Dad's majordomo, Zazu. He landed right beside me to talk which I was pretty annoyed with, but Zazu was always a nice bird to talk to at times, better talking to him than others.

"So your majesty, your father has told me to come and get you, he needs you by the rocky border of the Pridelands." Zazu had told me that and I was honestly confused, dad never took me to the rocky border unless outsiders were there and coming, so maybe that's what was happening, I told Zazu I would be there immediately and started running towards the border.

Rocky Border of the Pridelands

"Dad? You wanted to see me?" I asked my dad who on the very top and tip of the border, he looked pretty serious so I only could guess outsiders were here, but when I looked, no lion or even animal was there to be seen, just the outside part of the Pridelands.

"Son, I have to taught you about how to tell if someone or kingdom will be an enemy or friend correct?" Dad had asked me a question he has asked multiple times, I always knew the answer to this 

"Yes you have" I told him as he looked towards something, but I couldn't tell what he was seeing cause I don't even know why I was here, when I looked in the way he was looking, all I saw was grass,trees,and a river going looking rougher and quicker than usual

"Son, I might have taught you had to tell if someone is your enemy, but I never taught you who our enemies are" Dad had told me this and I was kind of annoyed, obviously rogues and outlanders were our number 1 enemies. 

"Outsiders and Outlanders, you have told me this before da-" he wouldn't even let me finish my sentence before cutting me off "NO! I mean.." he looked pretty upset at his sudden outburst but he looked like he was..scared to tell me something.

"Son, I need you to know, just one of our enemies, probably almost bigger than the outsiders, there is a place called the Tree of Life, many years ago, your great great grandfather, had gone there for healing with some of the pride, as the Tree of Life is for healing, animals from all places went to be healed, so we did to, however, only 2 days there, there pride had killed one of our members for no reason at all, we attacked and were kicked out, but that didn't stop us from telling their neighboring kingdoms about this, word had spread and the Tree of Life is now seen as a trap by not only most kingdoms, but most animals. They got there karma, but our 2 lands have now been at war for years, if they ever go for a full on attack, we will finish them."

I had heard of the Tree of Life, but no one had ever mentioned what happened around here, "You see son, I can't have you go telling every other cub about this okay? We don't need the cubs wanting to attack or swaying Kiara when she is queen to, do you understand?" My dad had asked this simple request, 

"yes sir, I understand!" Honestly this was a pretty easy task to follow, cause at what point would the Tree of Life ever come into a conversation, over all other greater kingdoms.

"You May go now, the cubs are waiting for there fighting training down by the watering hole aswell Kion" my father told me and I hadn't forgot about it sadly.."Yes sir, I'll be there immediately". I went to go run off until my dad called to me, "and I love you son" luckily for me, him saying love you wasn't an uncommon thing, "I love you to dad". 

I ran off seeing him smile which is what I love doing, knowing he always has stressing days, every hour, every minute, so seeing him smile is all I need for a day of happiness, before I could leave however, the rocks suddenly just..shifted, me and dad both looked at each other confused "dad..what was that?"

My dad's eyes suddenly had beamed, he looked down at the rocks that were falling off the cliff "KION! MOVE! NOW!" My dad yelled it loud and clear to me, we started to try running to the grassy hill to get off there as it was the closest off point but we were to late, the rocks tumbled and started crashing down, as my dad felt to the Pridelands side as the rocks were falling, I fell to the outsider side, rock were hitting me and I was hitting every rock that I hit, I saw it was gonna be a straight fall to the ground that would most likely kill me but luckily I noticed that I was leaning towards the right more than anything, and miraculously, I landed into the river, but it was very hard and kept pulling me under as it was very rough today, as I tried staying afloat, I looked up and one of the rocks came straight at me..and I went blank

One day later at the Tree Of Life, Rani's POV

        I had woke up in the warm tree, right beside the rock my parents lay on with my brother next to me, I tried going back to sleep but for some reason I just couldn't, it was like my body was wanting me to be awake, which sucked cause I wanted to sleep more but I got up anyways.

I walked out of the tree to be hit with a ray of warm sunlight, I looked at the hill seeing the Night Pride getting ready for patrol, when I was a cub I had the tendency to just go up there and look I was stretching with them, but they would honestly just be annoyed so I went the opposite way of where they usually start.

As I continued walking, I saw animals jumping,playing,and having fun. I wanted to go join them but as usual whenever I get noticed, they all looked at me and bowed, or well, the adults did atleast."Rani! Hey how are you doing!" One of the young lemurs jumped onto my back yelling with 3 right behind him, I honestly didn't mind it, When I was younger I used to play with all of them so it was fun to know they still like me though I don't come around as often.

"Hey, get off of the princess, you all know not to jump onto her!" One of the adult lemurs had yelled to there children, they got off saying sorry, and walking to there parents "no it's okay I-" "I have taught you kids better than that, you know not to jump on any royalty!" The adult lemur just took her children back without even hesitating to listen to me. I walked off as I heard the rest of the animals go back to playing.

I walked to the penguins cause sometimes it's fun to just watch them slip and sliders the ice slide into the water. As I was watching them slide I had decided to go to the river for a drink and was gonna try going back to sleep to the tree.

When I got to the river, I got a drink but instead of just staying there, I followed it, I had done it tons of times and usually I find some cool stuff in it, or get to see some cool fish in the river, I followed the river for a while, after a while, I looked back and saw I had walked out of the Tree of life's boundary's and honestly I didn't really care, just kept following the river.

After a while of following the river, I decided that animals might get a little worried that I'm gone so long so I started to head back but, as I was walking to the kingdom, I looked into the river to see a yellow and orangish color in the water in the water, thinking it was a weird colored rock or leaf, when I went to wasn't any rock or leaf, it was a lion, and still breathing..

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