Chapter 9

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Clean Taylor Swift slowed

You heard word from Harrison that it was just Tom and his family and friends were coming. You somehow managed to get an invite with Harrison as a median between you both. Zendaya and Jacob were to come and for Laura she couldn't due to hectic schedules. You decided to go casual with sweatpants, sports bra, windbreaker, and rubber shoes.

You were off to the restaurant and passed by a jewelry shop for another gift. You arrived at the place and went inside and saw everyone there smiling at you. You took a deep breath and headed inside the designated room where your mutual friends and cast members were. Robert, Benedict, Tom Hiddleston, the Chris', and the rest were there. The didn't know about what happen... hopefully. You opened the door with two paper bags at one hand and the other pushing the door. You greeted everyone trying not to get Tom's attention... yet.

You stopped your tracks with you behind his back while talking to his mom, while she grinned at you. You tapped Tom's shoulder whispering 'Happy Birthday' as he turned around to face you. He looked at you hesitant to make a move. You decided to hug him wrapping your hands around his waist, burying you face on his neck as he hugged you back for the first time in how many months. His smile was brighter, tension left his body, and he was at ease. You took a deep breath of his scent and sighing in joy feeling his warmth.

You pulled back handing him the smaller box first. He looked at you as you nodded as he opened it in front of everyone. He opened the box and saw a necklace with blue Swarovski crystals outlining his name while he turned it around revealing your name in purple studded crystals. He looked at you with a massive grin and hugged you again. This time you handed the bigger paper bag. "I owe you one I guess." You handed him the second bag with your hand grazing each others palm.

Everyone was silent looking at the two of you, and was impatiently waiting for Tom to open his second gift. It revealed a Gucci box making everyone scream in excitement. "Whats in here?" You smiled at him shrugging. He opened the box carefully placing it on the table. He grabbed the polaroid picture and read it first. I know I messed up, just know that doesn't stop me from giving you gifts on the day that the idiot reading this was born ;) Happy Birthday! I love you. He beamed at you smiling genuinely who knows how long.

He unwrapped the thin piece of paper surrounding his gift. He saw a Gucci Belt Bag. The exact one you had and he wanted. Your eyes turned to crescents seeing his reaction. He was tearing up looking back at you getting confirmation while you calmly nodded. He took it out for everyone to see and gasps were heard in the room. He hugged you tighter as everyone cheered. 'Thank you'. He whispered kissing your head as you felt what you have been missing. I missed you. You silently spoke to him as he replied.

You guys sat back down with you beside him. "I'm proud of you." Zendaya laid her head on your shoulder. "I know." You smiled and started eating savoring your time with each other. "For Tom." They echoed clinking their glass to each others making eye contact. You had to go ahead because of your busy schedules leaving Tom down. You had conferences that day for your upcoming album launch, documentary launch, and production of the songs.

"Thank you everyone." You headed back your apartment but to your surprise you saw Tom alone in front of your door with red roses this time. "Hi." He smiled at you turning to your direction engulfing you a much friendlier hug than your usual affectionate hugs. "Hello to you too." You kissed his cheek greeting him. "Why are you here?" He handed you the flowers as you thanked him. "I have making up to do perhaps." You felt flattered on what he said as you took him in your apartment. You put the flowers on the vase where the flowers he gave the last time you hung out were.

"Its your birthday plus what time is it." You made him his favorite tea and handed it to him, placing it by the island. "You really don't want me around, do you?" He half jokingly said with a hint of pain in his voice. "Not really... its just that you could've hung out with anyone on your birthday yet you chose me." You smiled sitting beside him wrapping your hand around his neck, making him feel as welcomed as possible. "So where are we off to birthday boy. My treat." You ruffled his curls standing up kissing his forehead.


"I'm down."

"Just like the old times, love. Just the two of us."

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