Chapter 7

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Better Man Little Big Town and Taylor Swift.

*Tom's side of the story.*

The moment you shut the door he banged the steering wheel pressing the gas pedal going back home. He lost something he couldn't point at other than his best friend. He lost a piece of him that he did not know you had, he lost his mind as the rain poured down. He knew that it wasn't going to be easy coping up without you talking to him everyday, eating together, nor be with each other anymore. He arrived home but stayed in his car unknowingly weeping his emotions out for a girl for the first time. He took a deeper breath hoping to get a breather before he gets inside to be greeted by his family.

He pushed the door open not caring if he got wet by the rain as long as he could get inside to just figure things out. He twisted the door knob to see his family eating dinner with Harrison and Tuwaine. He had a pale crying face that was not normal for him, he never cried in front of anyone recently except for you. "Hey, Tom. Lets eat." His mom gently said as he just nodded and took off his coat and put it on the back rest of his chair. He sat down while he was given food on his plate as the table was silent which was not the norm for the Holland Household.

"Hey, son. What's wrong? You seemed of. Did you break up with Laura?" Tension filled the air as he asked that question while Tom shook his head. "Something worse than that but I'm gonna break things off soon." He started eating while they again went silent, even Tessa. Once Tom was done eating he came to his room only to be met by framed pictures of the two of you. Tessa followed him and laid her head on his lap reassuring him that she was there for him. Tom held her and wept some more sobbing while the rest was outside his door hearing his painful sniffs and bellow.

Harrison grabbed his phone and opted to text you. What happened to Tom? His phone clicked as he turned it back on when he received a notification. "I'm sorry. I have nothing to say about that without his consent." He sighed as he knocked on his best friend's door. He just heard dismissals on not to talk to him but knowing his best friend he didn't just budge just like that. He twisted the door only to find it locked. "He never locks his door." Harry spoke while he looked at his mom signaling her for the keys.

She went to the master bedroom handing them the keys while they reassured them that they would handle him delicately. "Hey man..." His brothers and friends came in. Seeing Tom emotionally wrecked scarred them while you were in your hotel room contemplating your decisions locking everyone out. You made up a story that you just went out and did not notice the time, which seemed sort of believable that you got away with it.

"What happened?" Sam sat beside his older brother locking her hands on his shoulder. He did not utter a word and just stared into silence breaking down once again. His phone buzzed with a different notification that only the two of you had for each other. They looked at him knowing that it was you, Harry handed him the phone. He was hesitant to open it but eventually gave in. What he read broke him more.

Hey, love. I'm sorry that I can't say this face to face cause I'm a coward. I like you, if you haven't noticed... I know clearly you don't but I guess I'm stupid enough to let go of you. But that's the least I can do cause I don't want you to suffer from the crap I'm bound to have. I'm still here if you have problems and when you really need me. I'm sorry that I had to let go of you but the memories are sealed in the safest place I know. You might have doubts on me and to let you know that you have all the right to be angry and make people bash me cause I wasn't a good friend. Just know the I love you still as my div. But I can't reassure you that I could trust myself to be around you without getting hurt.

Don't blame yourself for the pain I'm suffering it was my own fault. I just wanted to say sorry because I was the one who hurt you instead because of something I can't control. If only I could I'd stop it already for you... but apparently I can't. Take care of yourself always. I'll check on you... even if you don't want be too. I'm sorry... I'm sorry that I loved you too much to let go of you, Tom. I love you... after all this time, and always (Harry Potter reference that was you guys' inside joke and affection.) 

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