Chapter 3

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Listen to the song

Laughter erupted the 3 of you while you drank more wine. "You guys stay for the night. I'll have the guest rooms ready for you." You tried to insist to go home but in you guys' state its not safe anymore even with a chauffeur. She left and got up leaving you with Jacob. "You sure you don't want me to woop his ass?" You shook your head smiling. "He has the right to date anyone... second, its ok its just my feelings hurting me not him." You grabbed the wine bottle and poured some more. "You know what your too kind—" he got cut with your phone ringing. Tom. You looked at Jacob as Zendaya came in. "Who's calling you—" you showed her the caller ID. She grabbed your phone and declined the call and laid it back on the table.

"Don't. You've got ditched already. Thats enough." Another phone rang, this time Zendaya's with the same caller ID. She answered and put it on speaker. "Hey is Y/n with you?" You looked at her profoundly shaking her head. "No, why?" You anxiously wait for an answer on the other line. "She's not in her apartment nor is she answering my calls. I just wanted to say sorry for... ditching her." You gulped as you three looked at each other. "I don't know where she is. She seemed off at the moment, I also asked Jacob she did not answer as well." You were surprised by her answer. "Shit! She's probably is mad at me now."

"Yeah I am." You whisper-shouted. "Well, lets hope she's safe. I'll try and contact her parents." Affirmation was heard on the other line as she hung up. "No ones going to bother you for a bit." You smiled and thanked her as you headed to the guest room. You opened your notes and journaled there.

How is it possible to love someone even if your heart and brain does not coincide with each other? How is it possible to look at a person who wasn't even yours but see everything you had, you have, and you've want to have. I wished you could've told me what you wanted so I could change, I could change to match someone you want that I'm not. I wish you you just told me out of nowhere and out of context that I did not have a chance with you even if it hurts. Cause what hurts more being there for someone who isn't aware of your existence at a certain point in time. Do you know what you made be realize? Is how I debunked that atoms cannot cannot be further destroyed but you did destroy those atoms in my heart to the very last molecular compound existing in one sentence. "Your my best friend, that I love so much." Isn't that what you told me when you cry to me, but—but how? How did you just break my heart with words that should be making me happy. I'm sorry its probably my fault for loving you too much— too much that it broke me into pieces.

Everything Has ChangedTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon