Life and death

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"Wake up wake up plz wake up" Ellie was sobbing over Fred's cold blue body. He wasn't moving or breathing there were huddles of students who had managed to pull Fred to shore but he was covered in seaweed and looked dead. A skinny chirpy women hoped over to see what all the hustle was about she looked down and was astounded her jaw dropped as her eyes started watering "o..oo- my" she quickly grabbed the boy and ran up thousands of stairs Ellie was suppost to follow hagrid (the large man with trampled clothes they saw at the train station)but it was Ellie's brother she couldn't leave him she had to do something her dad would be so sad to lose another family member. Ellie quickly snuck from the herd of mortified first years and ran up the stars as fast as she possibly could she make it to the top breathless Ellie looked around and remembered reading something about a nurses ward she walked down the light hallway with candles and statues of knights on the wall Ellie scanned the hallway and saw a little pool of water on the floor she ran over and new "Fred" she whispered to herself Ellie followed the train of water witch Lead her to a large brown door with a red plus on it. It had to be a nurses office she blurted through the door falling through hitting her head on the floor she rubbed her head and looked around the room she saw a crowd of tall people looking down a something red she new "Fred!" She ran over and sat next to him then hugged him so tight "ow ow not so tight hey anyway how did you find me" Fred said calmly placing his hand on hers "I followed the water silly" Ellie said gripping onto him she then turned around to see 5 people staring down at the one man was wearing a silver cloak and had a white beard "w-wait your dumbledor" she then looked at the man standing next to the headmaster he was wearing a black cloak and had short black hair "and your professor snape and your professor ma-" Ellie was quickly interrupted "we could do that all day look let's get you to your dorm rooms and once you have cleaned up could you plz bring your dinner to my office I would like to speak to both of you and feel better Fred" Magonagle said with a slight gesture of her hand Fred used her hand to pull himself up and hopped over to Ellie were she helped him to walk out they followed the big crowed of children to the main hall "wait but magonagle told us to go to our dorm room" Fred said out of breath "we don't even have a dorm room we have to be sorted first" Ellie said fed up they continued to follow the crowd of kids Fred still limping in pain. Ellie could hear all the other kids talking about her brother and how Fred isn't smart enough for hogwarts Ellie tried to block them out but they just got louder and louder she couldn't hold it in any longer "shut up shut up just shut up you don't know the first thing about any of my family jus-.." before she could finish her sentence she was interupted by a tall blonde haired boy who unlike her and Fred was dressed extremely smart in fact he even smelt nice "just dick heads is what she meant now fuck off" Ellie gazed up at the handsome boy he seamed like his Prince Charming Fred thought other wise "hey look whoever you are thanks for sticking up for us but we're fine so bye" Fred dragged Ellie while she stared at the handsome stranger it was like she was under some sort of spell Fred still limping dragged Ellie into the great hall were she suddenly lost eye contact with the mysterious stranger, distracted by the beautiful stars and the smell of smoke she didn't know were to look unlike Fred he had his eye on the fresh food he's a Weasley you can't blame him he takes after his uncle Ron. Ellie slowly turned her head to find the mystery boy but he had disappeared almost like magic . "Good evening students and welcome first years before you take your seats you must be sorted the start of term banquet will begin shortly after the sorting ceremony the sorting is very important because while your here your house will be something like your family within Hogwarts. You will have classes with some of your house sleep in your house dormitory and spend free time in your house conmen room. The four houses are Griffindor Hufflepuff Ravenclaw and Slytherin. Each house has its own noble history and each has produced outstanding witches and wizards. While your at Hogwarts your triumphs will earn your house points while any rule breaking will lose them at the end of the year the house with the most points is awarded the house cup I know you will all do well with your time here. The ceremony will begin now" "finally i thought it would never end" Fred squealed as Ellie elbowed him in the stomach "you find yourself way to funny" Fred brushed off the grass and dirt of his ruined jumper "grandma molly is going to kill you hahah" Ellie couldn't help but laugh at how ridiculous Fred looked she hugged him and said "what a shitty first day am I right Fred" "right you are Ellie.....right you are" "Ellie Weasley." Magonagle called "ahhha Fred what do I do" Ellie squealed panicking "umm you go up" "well obviously dumb ass" Ellie slowly walked up almost shaking she was nervous as her hole family had gotten Griffindor if she didn't what would happen and were would Ellie and Fred get placed.

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