The Hogwarts express.

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"Come on we're gonna miss the train if you don't start moving Fred" said gorge firmly as he hurried to the gate way pushing people out the way, "sorry dad it's just Ellie is nervous" "am not you liar" Ellie snapped back obviously joking.  Fred was really nervous but we never he felt sad or nervous or worried he would just think of his dog redbeard Fred doesn't remember a lot about redbeard just that he was his best friend. Ellie and Fred prepared themselves before taking a long hard look at the gateway, A few seconds went by when Ellie disintegrated through the gateway Fred didn't realise as he flinched looking away he turned to his dad and said "I don't think this is suppost to be my life I'll never be as good as Ellie" Fred's eyes started to water as he wiped away his tears on his browny red unstringed jumper. "Ow don't be silly I thought so my first time to Fred was always better at everything that me but as my brother he helped me and Ellie will do the same" gorge placed his hand on his sons shoulder and said "let's go together then shall we Fred" Fred nodded and smiled as they took a big lead up and sprinted through the musty old train station wall to be revealed to an antique packed red train full of children and there parents. "Your mother would of been proud of you Fred" gorge whispered, Fred's face lit up grinning from ear to ear he ran over to Ellie and they giggled and squirmed around until they waved goodbye to there dad and we're finally off to Hogwarts Ellie grabbed Fred's hand and she ran through the isle looking for an empty booth dragging Fred behind by his wrists. Ellie squealed and swung open the door and sat down on the dusty blue train seats Fred left to carry the bags in. All that was on Fred's mind was redbeard his dog until Finally Fred made it to his seat and sat down with a sigh "what's up with you Fred were about to go to Hogwarts this is going to be the best day of our lives we're never going to forget this and I won't have you ruining it with your worries" Ellie shouted Fred sat up in his seat and rolled up his sleeves trying to make himself look more presentable "that's better" Ellie said calmly "look I'm sorry Ellie but I'm just nervous we're nearly there anyway".  The crowded train full of small children began to slow down until it came to a stop doors swung open kids running and jumping. Ellie was so exited her face was turning red Fred stopped her and grabbed her hand and they walked out of the train well at least Fred did Ellie pushed and shoved to try and get to the front I don't think anyone wanted to be there more than her this was her dream. A raver large boy blocked the view of Ellie so she couldn't see so Fred had to pick her up slightly to realise they only had to look up as  staring back down at the was the largest man Fred and Ellie had ever seen he was rather trampled with a long beard and baggy clothes but when he spoke it was deep but sweet he gave directions to the castle and how the first years were going to get there on a "BOAT!" Ellie knew how much Fred hated boats in fact  she had seen it multiple times Fred doesn't have the best of luck with water and is petrified of the ocean. Fred refused to ride the boat so Ellie had to come up with a plan or she was never going to make it to Hogwarts, but then it hit her Fred's only afraid of sinking If  she makes him believe he's floating there won't be an issue so Ellie wiped out her oak wood poplar dragonstring wand (the same one as there dads gorge weasley) she swished and flicked of corse nothing came out as she had no idea what she was doing a few sparks flew out the end of her wand but that was enough to convince Fred. A few panic attacks later and they were on the boat (finally) Fred had the job of holding the light so he sat up straight and latched on absolutely terrified. He began shaking and so did the boat Ellie realised what was happening and told Fred to calm down of corse Fred couldn't hear her as he was fearing for his life Ellie slapped him across the face and said "if you don't pull yourself together then I'll throw you overboard myself!" Fred quickly stoped shaking as he tried to slow down his breathing "Fred..I-.." Ellie tried to get a word out but Fred quickly stopped her "just leave me alone ok" Fred plugged his ears and sank his head into his hands while Ellie realised how he must feel he didn't even want to be here. Ellie tapped him on the shoulder and pointed up at a nearby castle bigger than islands and mountains she was absolutely speechless Fred although in a sad mood was also cheered up by this amazing castle it had to be Hogwarts it was beautiful Ellie was so amazed she stood up to get a closer look but that made the boat tip to her side the look on Fred's face was enough to make the most heartless person feel. Fred's life flashed before his eyes memories with his dad and his sister his mother his uncle and auntie and his rotten cousins who already attended Hogwarts the death of his uncle Fred were he got his name from all the good all the bad flashed then he hit the water and he couldn't swim so he new what was going to happen so he just lied there no struggle to get to the surface he had excepted his future he was going to die.

A generation of Weasley 🤎✨Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang