Reflections || Chapter 10

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"Purple Rain" reached theaters. It wasn't for publicity and the performance, I would've stayed home and let others watch this movie. Voices shrieked and cameras flashed. Noise blended. Few moments passed before I focused again.

Another stretch limousine pulled up behind that barrier rope and my world changed forever. Unfortunately, I hadn't seen Valerie in person since we caught up in that hotel room last year. She even premiered her first music video on MTV then, too.

Susan, Shelia, and Denise waved as soon as Valerie began to pose for these manic cameras. I hadn't introduced Apollonia yet, but Val probably knew something already. On the other hand, my own heart stopped and raced all at once. She looked so pretty. To be honest, I felt still dazed. She was here to support me again.

Tonight, she wore this lavender backless dress. Low-cut satin fabric shaped around her dark skin. Neon purple earrings almost hid underneath the crown of her amazing hair. For once she had towered those famous curls and the style almost reminded me of some badass mohawk. In turn, I quietly cheered to myself.

"You're in love." Big Chick offered his usual groan of words. I rolled my eyes, trying not to talk about that subject. It wasn't time for silliness, of course, but I ended up smiling and headed to see Valerie. The cameras flocked to me, but I didn't care.

"Hey," I walked towards the most beautiful girl out here and smiled. For the first time since meeting Val many years ago, butterflies wreaked havoc in my stomach. There was still no better feeling in the world. Of course, I hadn't felt that sprung about any other woman since Denise. To this day, groupies still didn't mean much.

"Hey, Movie Star. I'm proud of you." When Val turned around to face me again, my heart raced once more. She really did look gorgeous up close. Recently though, different headlines that claimed she wasn't talented at all. To some critics, Valerie was just another pretty face in show business. Of course, everyone in my camp knew otherwise. She was brilliant and I would offer praises until the end for her.

"I'm not one for all the publicity here, but thanks for coming. I didn't even know you'd show up." I laughed to myself, trying not to blush and show off my embarrassment. Not that I didn't enjoy being happy, but I never really liked my smile. I'd spent most of my life struggling before fame, so happy moments were few and far between. It was like I didn't deserve joy in one way or another.

"We might be busy these days, but I still wouldn't miss this premiere for the world. This was part of your dream, no matter what." Valerie smiled back towards me moments later. My heart fluttered for the millionth time and it felt as if everyone else here didn't even matter. She was here, caring. Few others did this for me.

"Thank you." I repeated myself while still keeping up eye contact. If it wasn't for Valerie now, I'd considered leaving already. To be honest, I wanted to cry, but kept together. Acting emotional in public was out of the question for quite some time.


Once the ending credits rolled and I surprised everyone by performing with different artists, my team couldn't find Valerie anywhere. She must've dipped out of here early to avoid night traffic or something. Fans still swarmed the parking lot as I sat in my limousine, still driven by adrenaline. Tonight had shifted my mood.

Just seconds later, my ears perked up. Even my driver turned up the radio dial before I could say anything out loud. I found myself grinning from ear to ear, nodding to the sound of an angel singing. It was her. Valerie was "here" again.

Not to sound like a fan, but I bought her album last year and knew that tonight's song was a b-side for her very first single. On record, Val had looped her strong voice over bright synths and jammed between beats with this subtle bassline.

Lyrics were repetitive, but Val hinted signs of a complicated relationship with someone.

I don't wanna fall in love.

(No, No.)

Love cuts just like a knife.

(Ooh, Ooh.)

You make the night feel good.


I'll fight you to the end.

(Ooh, Ooh.)

Nosy, I called to find the truth. If I hadn't decided on this, I'd spend the rest of that evening awake, trying to see if I'd done anything wrong. Our friendship was great and she wouldn't trash me in the press, but I still wanted to know about this song.

"Hey, did I wake you?" I asked, turning the tables on one of our previous conversations. Silence reached my hotel room for the millionth time and I wasn't even wired enough to work in the studio again. Tonight was different, at least now.

"Hey! You didn't wake me. I just got back from the club. Tracee's back in town and we wanted to catch up." Val spoke on the other line. She had left my premiere to party with her best friend. If only I could share that bond with someone these days.

"Where did she go this time?" I sat down on my bed, leaning close to the nightstand for a moment. The landline cord was coiled but short, which didn't allow me to move around. Val always told me that Tracee kept traveling for work.

"Costa Rica. She was on vacation this time around. I would've gone too, but I'm already planning another album." Valerie revealed her news and I smiled once more. Of course we couldn't see each other in person, but I felt extremely proud.

"Congratulations." I said to Val.

"Thanks, Prince." Not even seconds after uttering my name for the compliment, she hung up.

My heart dropped.  

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