Enjoying my Neighbour's Navel

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I persisted, suggesting that she call her mom, thinking she might have some homemade remedies. Neha hesitated and replied, "I don't want to disturb her this late; she'll be worried."

I then proposed, "Alright, let me ask my mom for advice." But before I could continue, Neha interjected, "Actually, it was your mom whom I mentioned my pain to, and she was the one who suggested it might be an airlock."

Wanting to assist in any way I could, I asked Neha to provide more details about her pain so that I could search for solutions on the internet. She described the pain as primarily located in her lower belly, emphasizing its intensity. She also shared additional information about the nature of the pain.

After a brief search online, I came across an article that seemed to align with the details Neha had provided. It turned out that her issue was related to trapped gas. I showed her the article, and as she began reading it, she nodded in agreement, confirming that this was indeed the type of pain she was experiencing.

As she continued reading, she found a solution that involved a specific belly massage technique to alleviate the pain. Curious, I asked her to explain the solution in detail, seeking to understand exactly what needed to be done.

At this point, it was evident that Neha's pain had intensified, to the extent that she couldn't continue reading the article and was visibly in great discomfort. Understanding her discomfort, she handed me the phone and expressed that she couldn't read any further.

In a reassuring tone, I said, "Don't worry; I'll take a look at the solution myself." I proceeded to read the solution section of the article.

I suggested that a massage could provide relief, but Neha expressed her hesitation, asking if there were any alternative solutions. Determined to find the best remedy, I assured her, "Let me explore other options," and proceeded to browse through different articles and websites in search of alternatives.

However, with the mention of stomach pain and the idea of a massage, my fascination with navels resurfaced. Although various websites offered different solutions, I told Neha that all the credible sources unanimously recommended a massage as the primary remedy. I assured her that I had thoroughly checked, understanding that she was in no condition to browse the internet herself.

Upon hearing my suggestion, Neha inquired, "What kind of massage is it, and how is it done?" I proceeded to explain the technique by reading aloud from one of the articles, emphasizing that the massage should be administered by someone else; self-massage might not be as effective, even though some articles did mention it as an option.

Me: "What should we do now?"Neha: "I'm not sure. There's no one else here; my sisters are gone, and your mom won't be back tonight."Neha: "I guess I'll have to manage it on my own."

Hearing her plight, I offered to help with the massage process.

Neha: "No, no, it's fine."Me: "I don't see any inconvenience here. Let me assist you."Neha: "Raj, I don't want to trouble you."Me: "There's no trouble for me. Please, let me help."Neha: "It's just not appropriate."Me: "Come on, you'll feel better. Don't overthink it. Just think of it as a friend helping another friend."Neha: "Raj, I can handle this."Me: "You know you can't, and deep down, you know I'm right. Please, let's just focus on getting you some relief, nothing else."

Despite her initial reluctance, the intensity of Neha's pain eventually led her to agree. Her acceptance filled me with a mix of happiness and sympathy, as I had read about how painful this condition could be on the internet.

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