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Cry had fallen asleep shortly after his break down and the nurse had come back and cleaned his wounds and changed his bandages. I was so relieved he didn't die. I hadn't noticed I had been crying until the nurse held a box of tissues in front of my face, she looked at me with a sad look on her face and left the room without uttering another word."Wow he's cute," I heard a familiar voice say and I looked up behind my tissue to find Leslie standing beside Crys unconcious form. I chuckled and only smiled at her as she blushed a bit and looked away."Come on you don't think he's cute too?," she joked."Well I must say he is beautiful, for a guy" I confessed. She giggled at me and asked," by the way what is yours and his name?" she referred to Cry. "My name is Felix but you can call me Pewds or Pewdie, his name is Ryan but he prefers to be called Cry." I said quietly."Is there a particular reason why he calls himself that?," Leslie asked in confusion."Well I'm not so sure myself ," I replied honestly while scratching the back of my head nervously. She stared at me for a moment and then looked back to Cry. " I wonder if he'll be okay.." she barely whispered. I placed my hand on her shoulder as to say things will be just fine and gave her a warm smile. "Excuse me sir.."a soft deep voice came from the entrance if the door and I averted my gaze to find a male doctor standing there. "If it's not too much trouble, I would like to talk to you about somethings, it's about your friend." He finished. I nodded and followed him obediently down various hallways and finally stopping in a room which resembled a lab."So what's going on?" I asked while examining the room. "We took a sample from your friends wound and we discovered something,  something that could explain what's going on with these animals and insects out there," my eyes widened and I nodded ushering him to continue. "Well we are no scientists but we believe that radiation genetically altered the animals and insects. How it doesn't affect us humans? well we have no clue but your friend in there we don't know what will happen to him due to that attack, it could kill him or even slowly destroy him, so I thought I should just let you know ahead of time, I'm sure you understand radiation is a very lethal thing.." he said almost in a whisper and adjusted the glasses on his face and coughed awkwardly."That is all, you're free to go back now.. You know where to find us if you need us.."I nodded slowly and proceeded to walk out of the lab in a daze and brushed my hair from my eyes. Why did this have to happen? I don't want Cry to die. It's too soon. But there's still a chance he can survive this right? I hoped to God he would. As I arrived back at the room I found Leslie asleep in the chair next to the door. I walked past her and pat her head gently before pulling up a chair next to Crys bedside. I looked once more at his now emotionless features and the stray tear that sneaked out of his eye and began to slide down his blood matted cheek. I wiped the tear away and cleaned the blood from his face with my shirt. I watched him as his brows began to furrow and as each breath he took began to quicken I could tell right away he was having another nightmare. I gently placed my hand on top of his and he seemed to calm down a bit as his breathing slowed. I gripped his hand tightly in mine and kept watching him before suddenly drifting off into the dark abyss, feeling quite comfortable.

Crys POV

I awoke surprisingly without my head pounding, what a miracle that was. I scanned the room. Where the hell was I? I looked to my side feeling something breathing on my arm. I almost jumped up before I realized it was just Pewds. He was sleeping and holding my hand so tightly that I felt as if I lost circulation in it. I sighed and lie my head back down on the pillow and closed my eyes feeling fatigued. I guess I'm in a hospital, poor Pewdie he probably had to carry me all the way here. A wave of panic suddenly took over me as I remembered the girl, did she die? or did Pewdie save her? I sat up straight only to regret it. Massive waves of pain wracked my body and I struggled to keep in my voice but I had failed when I noticed Pewdie quickly lift his head, with his eyes wide and blood shot." Cry are you alright?!" he nearly shouted as I curled up in pain removing my hand from his grip and wrapping my arms around myself as if trying to ease the pain. The wounds were hurting too bad to even try to speak. I felt Pewdies  hand rest on my shoulder and he began to massage it in an attempt to soothe me. Sure enough it worked as I felt the pain melt away and I could relax."I'm okay now Pewds...Thank you," I felt my face grow warm and realized at that moment that my mask was missing. I looked on the desk next to me and found it lying there a bit cracked and caked with blood. I sighed and placed my hand on my forehead. It was pointless to wear it anymore, it's the end of the world anyways. "I'm glad..," Pewdies voice snapped me from my thoughts. I averted my gaze towards him to find a deep sadness in his eyes as he gave me a small smile as if his soul had been shattered. I reached up to him placing my hand on his cheek."I promise you, I won't die" I smiled weakly at him. He placed his hand over mine and I could see tears forming in his eyes. " Oh just kiss already!" I heard a female voice yell. Pewdie nearly jumped out of his skin as he blushed deeply at her comment. What's up with that Pewds? I thought and lifted my head a bit to see the girl that had been in danger, I was so relieved to see her alive. "Glad to see you're doing well, kid." I smiled at her."I wish I could say the same for you," she replied with a hint of melancholy in her voice."The names Leslie by the way" she finished." Pleasure to meet you Leslie, I'm Cry." She nodded as if she knew me, it wasn't surprising because Pewds probably already told her who I am." Hey..I just wanted to say thanks also for saving me back there, the both of you, I would've died if you guys hadn't showed up.. And well Cry you almost died anyway because of me.. " she said almost inaudible as if she were feeling guilty about what happened. "It was no biggy at least we're all still alive, right?" I said trying to lighten the mood. They just stared at me like I was crazy." What guys?,"I attempted to break the silence. Pewdie said nothing and only pulled me into a gentle hug." I'm so glad that you're alive..." he whispered softly into my ear, it had sent shivers up my spine and I could feel my face heat up again. I then wrapped my arms around him weakly. I heard Leslie fangirling from across the room and I chuckled lightly into Pewdies shoulder." NOW KISS!" I heard Leslie squeal next to Pewdies ear. He nearly screamed and fell backwards before I grabbed his arm and pulled him forward to help him regain balance." Would you quit saying that?!," he scolded her while his face became red once more. He was kind of cute like that. Wait what the hell am I thinking? " Hey Cry..." I looked up to find Pewds staring at me. "What is it Pewds? ," he stared at me for another brief moment and responded." This is worse than any fucked up video game we've played." I laughed and patted his shoulder," right you are my friend, right you are." "And I'm glad that in this disasterous world...that I still have you...," he whispered quickly, his cheeks tinted once more." Same goes for you Pewds." I smiled and ruffled his hair. This was going to be the start of another long day.

* Sorry if this was short, I've been busy and all. I hope you all liked the fluff that I added in there. Feedback would be appreciated. ^^ Have a good day/night.

Game Overजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें