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Night had fallen rather quickly after that 'little' episode with the creature, but everything seemed to calm down after that, but the only problem was, is that we had to spend our night in the woods. Pewds was already shaken up enough, what if some other freaky shit decided to happen while one of us was sleeping? I didn't want to risk that, but we have no other choice. Pewdie had fallen awfully quiet during our walk, it was understandable though.This whole situation is nerve-wracking. Not to mention he was probably traumatized as much as I was.After a while of walking we decided to stop under a big oak tree and rest for the night. I set my back pack against the tree and began to collect twigs to start a fire before the sun sets. Pewds lit some leaves on fire with his lighter as I tossed twigs on top of them. "That should be good for now."I sighed while tossing some paper into the fire that I found in my back pack.I glanced at Pewdie for a brief moment and asked,"how are you holding up bud?"he looked at me as a faint smile spread across his lips. "Don't worry about me Cry. I'm fine"he replied as he turned his gaze back to the flames.I lied down on the cool grass and watched the sky's orangish hue melt into a dark blue.I became lost in the lights of the universe and my eyelids suddenly became heavy.
Pewdies POV
Cry had drifted off to sleep pretty quick, he must've been more worn out than me, anyways I could tell I wouldn't be able to sleep a wink tonight.I was afraid something else would attack us if we were both asleep.I sighed and placed my hands above the flames trying to warm them as the night grew colder. I looked in Cry's direction once more to find him curled up in a ball and his mask had been moved up slightly to reveal his lips. Isn't that uncomfortable to sleep with?and how does he even see out of it anyways? Maybe it's those circles above that line.I gave up my curiosity and laid down next to Cry looking at him again and wondering what he looked like behind that mask ,not that it mattered though.I stretched my hand out towards his mask gently lifting it a bit more to reveal part of his nose and stopped suddenly when he groaned and moved slightly. I drew my hand back slightly and waited for him to settle before I turned around, a bit embarrassed from what I just did. I'm glad he was asleep though.
I eventually passed out soon after that.
Cry's POV
I woke up freezing, and found a sleeping Pewdie beside me,well it's a good thing he finally got to sleep.I pulled my mask down and brushed my hair with my fingers to feel a bit decent. As I stood up and stretched I noticed it was still dark out,how unusual.Could we have possibly slept for a whole day? No that was a ridiculous thought.The plus side was that the fog seemed to have disappeared.Now I don't have to feel so paranoid.
My stomach had suddenly started to growl and I had forgotten I didn't eat anything yesterday ever since the incident that morning.
I grabbed my back pack and searched in it for any kind of food and some water that we threw in it. After feeling around for awhile I found a couple of granola bars and some mini water bottles.I ripped the wrapper off of the granola bar like it'd be the last thing I'd ever eat again and literally shoved the whole bar in my mouth.I hadn't noticed how hungry I was until now after I went through 3 granola bars and a couple of water bottles. After I was done with my foodsquerade I tossed some remaining granola bars at Pewdie to wake him up. Sure enough it worked.He was a little startled at the sudden impact."Eat up Pewds we've got a long day ahead of us." He rubbed his eyes and sat up and began to munch on the bar without hesitation. I watched him and I chuckled a bit at how fast he'd been eating."Slow down there bro, you're going to give yourself hiccups."He grinned wide and continued to stuff his face. After we ate we headed off through the woods until we found the road again. It'd been the second day of this madness and there were still no other living humans in sight. It was a bit depressing to say the least.
The more hours that passed the more irritable we became and the sun beating down on us wasn't helping very much."Crrrrrryyyyy"Pewdie whined from behind me."Let's take a brreeeeeeeeaaaaakkkk." He whined some more. I fought the urge to smack him, and I'm usually not violent."Hang in there Pewds, we need to find somewhere safe to rest first."He didn't protest and continued to walk in silence behind me. As we trailed along the dirt roads we hadn't come upon any "aliens" in quite awhile, it was pretty peaceful, so we thought but that's when we heard that ear shattering scream. Alarmed, Pewdie and I ran in the direction of the screams, which lead us to the woods, what we saw was even more horrifying than the last. Above this girl, there was an insect-like creature resembling a mosquito only larger in size, not to mention it had teeth like an animal. I held onto my axe tightly and and then swiftly flung it against a tree to catch the creatures attention, sure enough it worked. It flew towards me at an extremely quick rate that I had no time to react before it pushed me to the ground and pinned me with its bird-like talons, one of the claws catching the side of my mask and breaking off a piece as well as scratching the side of my face. I gritted my teeth and hissed in pain, wishing this would end. I turned my head slowly to where the girl was to find Pewdie assisting her. I sighed in relief.As I looked back up at the beast it seemed to stare back at me, it seemed to be intimidated as it began to let out a loud growl. My eyes widened in horror as it began to lift its talons above me."Pewds! Help me!" I cried out in. That was the last straw before it swiped its sharp claws across my chest, it felt as if a fiery hot blade had cut through my flesh, the pain was agonizing. It continued to slice my skin until I could no longer move, I laid there feeling paralyzed as I thought to myself, so this is the end huh? suddenly a warm liquid pooled around me and I lost consciousness.
Pewdies POV
"Please wait here!" I yelled to the girl as I ran with my crowbar in my hand gripped tightly. I won't let you die Cry, not now, not ever. As I approached the beast I didn't hesitate to jump on his back. "Get the fuck off of him now!," I screamed and plunged the crowbar through the insects skull, due to the rush of adrenaline. I jumped off of its back before it plummeted to the ground in a heap and oozed green fluid. I then turned to Cry quickly, kneeling next to him. The sight had brought tears to my eyes, his hoodie had been tattered and torn to reveal the numerous gashes on his body that were still bleeding profusely. I leaned down with my ear close to his mouth, he was still breathing but it was shallow and raspy and at this rate he won't last much longer, I quickly pulled the backpack off of him and searched for some gauze. Having found some I immediately stripped him of his blood matted hoodie and began to wrap the gauze around his wounds tightly. This should slow down the blood flow, I thought to myself. I hadn't noticed the girl had appeared next to me until I was finished tending to Cry's wounds." You scared me there for a second," I smiled weakly at her. "Is your friend going to be okay?" she asked, her brown eyes filled with concern. "Yeah, he just needs plenty of rest," the truth was I didn't really know whether he would make it or not. Only time would give us the answer.
Speaking of time, we were running out of it because the sun was getting low in the sky. "We'd better head out" I said to the girl and she nodded. I grabbed Cry's axe and placed it in the backpack and then proceeded to pick him up bridal style as the girl and I walked out of the woods.
After what seemed like forever we came upon the best thing that could've happened today. We found a fucking car! I could've fell to my knees and cried happily but I remembered I had a pale, unconscious and trembling Cry in my arms. As we came upon the vehicle I asked the girl to open the back door. She did as I requested and I gently placed Cry across the back seat and strapped him in with the seat belts. I then slipped into the drivers seat and checked to see if there was still a key in the ignition and hell yes there was! I revved up the old engine and began to drive down the road, the first thing on my mind was to find a hospital. There's got to be people there right?
"So what's your name kid?" I asked the girl after a few hours of silence." Its Leslie, and um thanks for saving my ass back there I don't know what I would've done if you guys weren't there." She looked at me and smiled a little and I returned the smile and kept my eyes on the road, it was dark outside now."The one you should be thanking is right back there in that back seat," I replied while pointing to Cry with my thumb, whom seemed to still be unconscious. I hope he would wake up soon. I'm so worried about him and I'm sure Leslie is to."Yeah but the both of you are heroes together though." She patted my shoulder before looking out the window and up at the night sky."That means a lot, thanks." I grinned. She looked back and smiled again, only nodding this time. I continued to drive until I began to see street lights and signs. Surprisingly the electricity still worked somehow. As the city came into view we finally found a hospital. I quickly parked in the front of the building and unbuckled Cry from the backseat and carried him into the building hoping there were still doctors there. "Oh my goodness" I heard a voice gasp, and I turned to see a woman whom looked like a doctor. "Follow me, quickly" she ordered and I obeyed. I followed her down a long white hallway until we reached a small room where she told me to lie him down while she hooked him up to IVs and was about to remove his poker face mask to give him a respirator before I stopped her," he doesn't like anyone seeing his face " I said calmly." Sir I have to give him this, he's already having trouble breathing as it is." She looked at me and I understood, his life is more important, she then looked back to Cry and proceeded to remove his mask. He was beautiful, no matter how beat up and pale he was, his skin was flawless, his eyelashes were long and his bangs were long as well and rested against his forehead.The more I looked at him the more I could see the stress and fear written on his unconscious face and it was painful to see. As she placed the respirator over his nose and mouth he took in a deep breath and his eyes fluttered gently."I'll go get some clean gauze." The woman said before leaving the room. I hadn't noticed the once white ones had gone crimson due to his excessive bleeding. As I glanced at Cry once more, his face had twisted in pain and the heart monitor began to beat rapidly. "Cry?!" I began to panic and I placed my hand on his shoulder and shook him, he seemed to be having a nightmare."Wake up Cry!" His eyes flew open revealing his deep blue orbs and tears began to roll down his cheeks as he screamed "Pewdie!" and he flew forward wrapping his arms around me holding onto me,tightly gripping my shirt, his body shaking while he sobbed uncontrollably. I gently rubbed his back and rocked him back and forth in my arms." Its going to be okay Cry, I'm here now, I'm here..."

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