Chapter 2: Testing My Skills, Meeting a Scarecrow!

Start from the beginning

Before I had woken up with new knowledge and memories I knew immediately that my chakra network had been altered from before. I wasn't sure if this meant it would be a weakness of mine, or something that was just different and unknown.

I wonder what the medics will think of me when its time to do a physical. Everyone has to have one before they can move up in rank right?
And upon returning from a mission out of the village as well.

Would they find the difference in my mana and in their normal mental chakra?

My physical exam was supposed to be happening sometime this week, Sensei has to schedule it for us.

Riinnnngggg! Riiinnnnnggg!

Snapping out of my thoughts at the timer going off, I drug myself over to it, panting desperately. I was really out of shape!
Setting the timer for another twenty minutes, I I did 40 pushups, 50 situps, 100 lunges around the field and ten minutes of nonstop stretching,(yoga) concentrating on my breathing and flexibility as I stretched the best I could.

I was completely exhausted after the lunges, but determined to push myself. I couldn't believe how weak I was that I couldn't do the same amount of push ups and basic exercises that my classmates could do!
Hinata and Ino regularly did more than me, the dark haired heiress doing more than us both!
I'm so fucking weak!

I also had to deactivate my gravity release, as I was getting low on chakra extremely fast.
Resting for a few minutes, I ate an apple and some trail mix I had grabbed from the school's vending machine on my way here. A cloud of anger and self hatred grew over me as I thought about all I would need to do to catch up with my team, but I pushed it away, using the dark feelings to bring me more determination to get through this testing phase.

I activated my Kekkai Tota again and slipped into a kata, the Little Leaf taught by the Academy. I started doing it for about three minutes before stopping in frustration.
It felt..very wrong, like it wasn't meant for my body at all, so instead I headed over to a tree and marked different spots with a dull and chipped kunai, noting I needed to shop for better weapons.

Marking spots as if they were a human body, I began to practice my training that I remembered doing from another time and place, a familiar but unplaceable voice droning on and on on how to hold myself, how to move my leg just so, and shift my hips to better extend my reach. A phantom pain even appeared at my elbow and I drew it in slightly, another one having me bring my shoulder back up as I resisted the urge to rub my chin from a non-existent bruise. I continued though, bewildered at the weird de-ja-vu moment.

With my gravity still weighed down, I continued to hit and kick the tree, focusing on hitting areas that would bring damage to a human body. Sadly grappling to bring down my opponent into a submissive hold wasn't happening—the tree would win at staying upright.
This kind of training felt more right, and was much more natural than my katas had been.

Pretending the tree was an enemy, I went into a familiar mindset, backing off and eying it like an enemy, then striking it rapidly with my fists, elbows, shins and feet.
I noted immediately that I needed to work in particular on the nerves in my fingers and shins, the pain from not being properly trained to withstand continuous training was frustrating all on its own.

Noting the cracking noises from a few hits, I realized I had unconsciously slipped activated chakra into my fists, the bark cracking and flying off as my strength doubled. Blood was flowing through my bandages but I ignored them, determined to finish my training in Taijutsu before cleaning and healing them later.
At least I hoped the basic Healing spell would work.

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