"Hey baby." Bria said in a low sultry tone.

Adonis looked up from what he was doing and smirked to himself before getting up, telling Yara he'd be right back.

"Hel-lo mammas." He flirted.

He pressed his hard body against her small frame, feeling her ass against his pelvic region and enclosed her in by placing his hands on the counter. He then grazes his lips against her cheek, pecking her repeatedly causing her to melt into his mold. She tried to stay focused, eyeing the food and flipping the pieces of toast over and onto the empty tray nearby, while Adonis placed butterfly kisses along the nape of her neck.

"I hope you're ready for baby number two cause I sure am." Adonis teased.

Bria's eyes widened feeling his duck twitch against her ass as she walked away from him and cut the stove off because the eggs, bacon and French toast were finally done.

"Yeah, someone's really ready." Bria mumbled. "And I saw that shit you posted on Instagram now everyone's going to think I'm pregnant after I leave or suspect. Also you know my dad follows my Instagram and you right? He sees everything." Bria pointed out, watching Adonis get the plates out of the dishwasher to set them on the island nearby.

"So? You're a grown ass woman who can make her own decisions besides I love showing my woman PDA. They're just gonna have to get over it." Adonis shrugged nonchalantly.

"You really want to get me pregnant hu?" Bria asked him with a straight face, crossing her arms.

"Yeah," He responded quickly.

"You don't understand what my body goes through when I'm pregnant hu? The mood swings, stretch marks, the temporary alopécica, the excess saggy skin around my midsection you get after carrying a human being around in your body for nine fucking months! Then it's the saggy breasts, boobs leaking everywhere and on top of that I'm not even secure in my relationship with you because you just want me around as a baby momma , when I've told you time and time again...that I'm not down to go through that again unless you want to marry me." Bria said quietly.

"I forgave you a long time ago for what happened during my first pregnancy with Yara. But I just don't want to go through that again until I have a ring on my finger and that you want me to be your wife. I don't want to pressure you into marriage, but you shouldn't pressure me into having another kid with you. I'm just not ready to be a mom again, I feel like I'm barely keeping my head above water with Yara , work , and managing my depression. You have to understand that."

Adonis nodded his head quietly. Scratching the side of his cheek. "I won't bring it up again, I'm sorry." He apologized, knowing she felt insecure about her body and the way that it's changed since she had their baby.

"I just don't want you to look at me differently and feel like you've fallen out of love with me because of the way that I look. Sometimes I look at myself in the mirror and I feel like I can barely recognize myself anymore. I could only imagine what you'd think with my changes and all."

Adonis walked up to her, placing his hands in hers looking at her saturated eyes and wiped away a stray tear as it fell on her cheek. He tilted her head up, causing her to look at him.

"You don't think you're beautiful?" Adonis questioned her.

Bria quietly shook her head, and sniffled.

"You're the most beautiful woman in the world to me, and I mean that shit. You wanna know why I was a fucking coward earlier in our relationship? I was a fucking coward because I didn't think I deserved to be with you. I was a scared coward because I wasn't ready to be a father and I chickened out and went to something that I was familiar with even when they've hurt me to...hurting you in the process, you've shown me that I had nothing to be afraid of...you handled that shit on your own while dealing with your own personal problems too while I was trying to get my shit together. To this day I still don't think that I deserve you, but I'm fucking blessed and grateful that you gave me another chance to get my shit together. You hold your head up high even with the weight of the world on your shoulders and you wake up everyday like a fucking badass to conquer it. I'm in awe of you woman. When I tell you that I love you, I mean that shit. I don't say things that I don't mean. I hate that you feel this way, like you don't think you're beautiful or undesirable to me? The world is lucky to have you in it, it's better with you in it. My life, is better with you in it and you've blessed me with the most beautiful babygirl because she came from you." Adonis proudly expressed, cupping her cheeks and wiping her stray tears away with his thumbs.

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