Though what comes once we're free? where is safe for a 7 year old? not with me apparently. Ever since Malachi met me all I've done is make things worse for him and put him in danger, how could I be so delusional to think Arkadia will let a grounder child live with them and use their resources, how could I be so stupid and blind to think I could be ruling people while trying to look after a kid.

I have to make a choice, either Malachi or my people.

And if it came down to it, Malachi would win.

I can't keep putting him in danger and pray everything would be ok, he deserves a normal childhood with someone who loves him, and I'm prepared to do that.

I'll take Malachi and Raven and we'll go find somewhere far away from all this, somewhere safe.

These people don't need me anyway, they have Kane, and Abby and even Clarke, they'll be fine without me.

"hey I'll be right back ok don't wait up" back tracking out of the tunnel, Kane holds out a hand to stop me before I can get anywhere.

"where are you going? this is going to be one of our only chances to escape" he was right of course, but I can't just leave Malachi or Raven.

"I'll be quick and I'll make sure no one sees me, just go and I'll meet you on the hill looking over Arkadia ok" not giving him time to respond, I rush down the hallway.


"Raven!!" calling into the mechanic room, my sister is easy to spot sitting at a desk, necklace in hand and tears in her eyes.


We both rush at each other, engulfing in a hug that lasts a lifetime.

"why are you crying?" pulling back slightly to rub the tears off her face, I notice the subtle look in her eyes as she stares at my own necklace shaped like a Wren.

"I don't know" 

Something seems off about her as I observe her, confusion crosses her face but the lack of sadness in her gains my attention.

"I know this is going fast but I can't stay here, as you know they're going to kill me so qu-" before I could even finish Raven jumps in.

"who's trying to kill you? why?"

Taking a step back, never had my sister been one to forget things, especially something this big. How could she just forget I was going to be executed? Pike was making a big deal out of it to bring pain to my friends and family and to teach them a lesson, no way she missed that.

"Raven what's going on?"

It's her turn to step away from me this time and turn her back before whispering "I don't know"

"hey it's ok, we'll figure it out but right now we need to get Malachi and you need to follow me got it?" gently taking her hands, now wasn't the time to be sitting around and catching up on each others lives, we had to get out of here.

"I left Malachi with Abby, I had some important stuff to do and couldn't take him"

No way Malachi was with Abby, Abby was just with me helping us escape.

"Raven, Malachi isn't with Abby ok and I'm sorry but I don't have the time to stay here and find him so here's what you have to do. Find Malachi then go back to our room and pack our things but only the essentials, then find Abby and tell her you need to get to the escape exit ok?" this was the only way we could all get out without the risk of being caught, even if this plan made it so I'd have to wait even longer to make sure my family was safe.

Loud footsteps echoing down the hall in unison tells me my time is up. Pulling Raven into a tight hug, I pull away before telling her "meet me at the hill looking over Arkadia at nightfall"

before I could leave, Raven pulls me in one last time before saying

"I won't let you down, I promise I will get her out of my head and make sure Malachi is safe. Just, if anything happens, I love you"

"I love you too"

Getting back proved to be a lot harder than it was before.

Guards march around almost every corner and with limited space to hide, I'm I'll be found in no time.

Rounding a corner into a hallway, I quickly throw myself against a wall as someone approaches.

By the sound of their footsteps it's only one person.

I could easily knock them out and be on my way, just had to time it right.

Counting down the seconds until the person moves into my line of sight, I pounce forward onto the person , knocking them off their feet.

Going to punch them, my fist stops before it could connect as I stare down in confusion at the person "Lincoln?"

"Wren what the hell are you doing, you're meant to be with the others out of Arkadia by now" He gently pushes me off him before standing and making sure no one heard us.

"I know but I couldn't leave Malachi and Raven behind, Pike would've used them to get back at me. What are you doing here? you should also be out of Arkadia by now too" the look that crosses Lincoln's face isn't one I would describe as sad and weak but strong and spirited which made it easy to guess what Lincoln was going to say next.

"if we all escaped they would have killed the grounders here, so I'm giving myself up to give you guys a chance to leave and for the grounders to live"

Although it breaks my heart, he had a point, after all we both had the same motives. We both risked our freedom to save the people we love, only difference is mine have a chance to escape, the grounders didn't, leading to Lincoln's ultimate sacrifice.

"we can find another way, a way that doesn't require someone dying"

"you know that's not possible, its either one of us or all of them and I'm sorry but I can't let them all die when they could have been saved" Lincoln states, his mind set with no way of changing it.

As much as I wanted to think there was a way, there wasn't. Pike had his mind set on making a public display out of someone's death and he didn't care whos.

Choosing to hug him instead of protesting, his arms wrap around my much smaller frame.

"thank you, you were one of the first sky people who helped me and thanks to you look how far everyone's become" he pulls away slightly while offering me a smile.

"yeah look at us, at war with the grounders, hundreds dead, all thanks to me yeah"

"no because of you everyone here is alive, if you didn't make peace, Lexa would have killed you all by now, yeah Pike di-" the sound of marching cuts him off, a grim expression taking over his face.

We both knew we had run out of time.

"hide behind those crates, don't come out until they're gone" pushing me over to a pile of crates, Lincoln starts to back away in the direction of the guards.

"may we meet again"


Crawling through the now empty escape tunnel, the end leads right to a hole in the barbed fence that covers all of Arkadia.

Wasting no time, I crawl through the small hole, making sure I'm low enough so no guard on patrol can spot me.

Walking through the tall grass, everything stops as a gunshot rings through the air.

Bowing my head and letting some stray tears fall down my cheek, I vow to not let Lincolns death be in vain.

"may we meet again"


Just noticed I switched a lot between first and third person in this chapter so sorry about that but I am feeling much more in the writing mood lately so I'll try to get chapters out as soon as possible
Feel free to leave comments :) 

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