Chapter 7 Learning about fate

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It's been a week now since Naruto had left and the Winx have been trying to cheer Stella up.


"Come on Stella, you've go to eat at least. I made some soup for you." Bloom said while standing in front of Stella's room and holding a bowl of soup in her hands. But she still didn't respond; after the incident with Naruto she decided to shut herself in her room, only opening the door when Faragonda herself came to visit.

A sigh was all Bloom could muster after standing in front of Stella's room for a few minutes without a reply in sight.

"Still no response?" Flora asked with a tired smile.

"Nothing." Bloom shook her head.

"Let's try again later Bloom. We can't force her if she doesn't want to come out." Flora suggested, not only worrying about Stella but also about Bloom. She's been too preoccupied with trying to get Stella back on her feet to notice that she hasn't been eating all that much herself in the past few days.


As they were about to head back to their own room Mrs. Faragonda came through the door to check up on Stella.

"Headmistress!" Exclaimed Flora.

Mrs. Faragonda just smiled kindly at her before looking at Bloom.

"So Stella still refuses to go out?" She asked with a concerned voice.

"Yes, she even refuses to eat. Naruto's betrayal hit her harder than we thought." Bloom explained whilst looking at Stella's room with sad eyes.

Faragonda too looked at the door and heaved a sigh before walking up to it and knocking.

*Knock knock knock*


"Stella, it's me Faragonda. Could you open up the door please?"

Silence continued for a while before the sound of a lock turning could be heard and the door to Stella's room opened by itself.

Mrs. Faragonda slightly smiled at the girls before going inside.

The state of the room was nothing like it used to be. What had been a cheerful and sunny arrangement of colours before was now but a withered shell of its former glory. Everything in the room looked like it had the colours drained out of it, the once colourful queen sized bed merely a grey husk. And lying in that bed, beneath the blankets was Stella, looking like a total mess.

Seeing her in this state, Mrs. Faragonda made up her mind.

"Stella, how are you dear?" She asked with a fond smile.

Looking at Stella in this state she couldn't help but remember that Naruto also used to be like that when he was sad. Thinking about those times she felt a pang in her heart. Now that he was gone she could see some similarities between the two. And the more she thought about it the more obvious it became.

But still, Stella remained silent.

"How about this Stella, I will tell you something about Naruto but in return you need to move on for now. Return to who you once were, a sad face doesn't suit you. And it's not like you're all alone now, right? You've still got your friends to look after you." Mrs. Faragonda continued, hoping to catch her attention and keeping her mind off of the events that had transpired.

Hearing Naruto's name, Stella's body stiffened before she turned around to face Mrs. Faragonda and see Bloom and Flora standing at the door.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2020 ⏰

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